Tully Park News 30-11-2014

Gordon Hotel Sunday Competition

This week the Gordon Hotel Competition was the November Monthly Medal in conjunction  with the Gold Medal Playoff for those who qualified during the year. Josh Cooper was the best on the day with a nett 62 to take home the Monthly Medal along with this years Gold Medal Playoff win and the Gordon Hotel voucher. The ball run down saw Tom Heath 63, Roy McNair 65, Don Grimston 66, Russ Leischke 66, Kerry Bensley 66, Eddie Hawkins 66 and Simon Jiang 66 all collect a new rock. The nearest to the pins went to Brian Norris on the Goulburn Produce 5th and to Tom Heath on the Goulburn Soldiers Club 14th. Next week will be a 4BBB Stableford Captain vs President.

A special mention to Raymond “Tonk” Turner who had that moment every golfer dreams of, that’s right a hole in one. This feat of golfing mastery was produced on the Tully Park sponsored 7th hole also earning him a heap of balls from the eagles nest. This will no doubt be the subject of a few stories at the pub for some time. Well done Tonk.


Goulburn Soldiers Club Mid Week Competition

This week the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole stabelford competition was taken out by Bryson Plumb with 28 points giving him the highly treasured voucher from our generous sponsor the Goulburn Soldiers Club. Brian Larkin 26 and Darrel Spence 25 rounded out the ball run down. Helen Crane grabbed a ball with 10 points. Come down during the week for a hit the comp only costs $7.