Tully Park News 29-03-2015

Gordon Hotel Sunday Competition

This week the Gordon Hotel Competition was the Monthly Medal stroke and was taken out by Tony Clewett with a nett 66 to also win C Grade. Tom Heath 69 and Ken Wray 68 won A and B Grade respectively. The ball rundown also saw Trent Cooper 69 and Ross Stacey 69 grab a ball. Nearest to the pin on the Goulburn Produce 5th went to Tony Clewett the Tully Park 7th went to Ross Stacey and on the Goulburn Workers Club 8th Ken Wray stuck it the closest. Next week the Gordon Hotel Sunday comp is a stableford.

If anybody would like to help around the course speak to a committee member and they will happily find something to suit your availability and skill set.

Goulburn Soldiers Club Mid Week Competition

This week the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole stabelford competition was taken out by Don Grimston with 27 points. Tony Clewett grabbed a ball with 25. Don Pennay also picked up a ball for his efforts with 14 points. Come down during the week for a hit the comp only costs $7.