Tully Park Golf Club 24/03/2019

Sunday Competition

Alan Bill teamed up with Russell Schmitt to win the 4 ball Par event on countback over Gary Spence and Phil Elliot after both teams finished on +8. Tracker Tahana and Adam Boxsell featured with Bryan Norris and Anthony Cooper on + 7 for the rundown. The nearest the pin on the Workers Club 8th went to marty Weise and the drive and pitch for the Millenium Windows 1st was won by Russell Lieschke.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

Bill Vesty was last weeks winner of the $25 Goulburn Soldiers Club voucher on 28 points over Simon Jiang and Alan McDonald both on 27.  In the rundown were mark Berrisford, Mick Gordon and Stephen Rigby all on 24.

Tully Park Junior Golf

The next junior pennants match is against Queanbeyan at Belconnen on March 31.

Junior coaching is on Saturday mornings at 9am, see the Tully Park website ‘juniors tab’ for details.

Notices: Sunday March 31 is Stroke and Monthly Medal for March. April 28 is the Tully v RSL at Goulburn. Thursday, April 18 will see Tully host the Highland vets for their competition. The course will be closed until 1pm on this day. Thanks to the volunteers for their mowing efforts after the recent rain. ffff ffffff