Tully Park Golf 23/08/2020

People with animals passing through the golf course please note the usage of Pindone for 4 weeks from Friday Aug 14. Please keep pets away from the course during this time for their health.

Sunday Competition

The 4 ball aggregate played on Sunday was won by Jeremy Ryan  and Dejan Nedanoski with a score of 65. In the rundown were Josh cooper and Mac Fife on 63 and Chris Ryan and Adam Boxsell on 61. Mac Fife won the Mitre 10 nearest the pin and Chris Ryan won the drive and pitch on Ginny’s Building and Carpentry 1st.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

The 12 hole competition has restarted running Friday mornings until Thursday afternoon.


Tully Park Junior golf coaching has restarted with details of the spring program at the www.tullyparkgolf.com  website. 8.30 to 10am. Cost $5 each.

Notices:  Sunday August 30 Stroke Monthly Medal. The annual Kevin Allen Consistency Competition kicks off from Friday September 4, check the clubhouse window for details.   Friday’s 9 hole “chicken run” will start Friday October 9th for 10 weeks cost $5/player with a $20 voucher from D.One accounting. Note that a mixed foursome event will be run on Saturday Oct 31 as a special addition to the calendar, so get your teams organised.