tully park golf 21/8/2022


The Ladies Foursome Championships for 2022 were won by the team of Heather Buchanan and Ruth Beveridge on 221 gross for the two rounds. Joy Leary and Beryl Howe took the nett prize on 160.

Sunday Competition

Bryan Norris and Anthony Cooper teamed up for the 4 ball stableford aggregate to get a win with 67 points on Sunday. Teams of Ken Wray/ Tony Clewett and Eddie Hawkins and Russell Lieschke came in with 65 and Alan McDonald/ Lindsay Sergeant had 64 for the rundown. Alan Bill managed to win the jackpot on the Workers Club hole while, Tom Minney won the mystery holes for August on the BC Training, Goulburn Soldiers club and Argyle Cleaning holes. Russell Liechke won the drive and pitch on Aaron’s trees and Eddie Hawkins took the nearest the pin on Jeremy Ryan Plumbing.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole

Maxine McLaughlin showed the depth of family golf skills with 26 points last week for her first 12 hole win.  Max Sakiasi played well for 23 followed by Chris Elliott on 22. On 21 were Brett Buckley, Scott Sherer, Russell Lieschke, Tony McLaughlin, Ian Baxter and Eddie Hawkins. Finishing the rundown on 20 were Don Pennay and Julie Hearne.

Notices:  Sunday August 28 Stroke Monthly Medal. The annual Kevin Allen Consistency Competition starts Friday Sept 9. The Special Meeting is set for Sept 11 at 1pm in a bid to find a secretary and captain for the club.