Tully Park Golf 18/12/16

Goulburn Soldiers Weekly Competition 

Bryson Plumb proved too good in the final 6 holes to beat Don Grimston on countback for the Goulburn Soldiers Club $25 voucher last week when both scored 28 points for the 12 holes. Rheannah Webb also performed well to make 25 and Russell Schmitt and Angela Deacon both scored 24. The Soldiers club event runs every day right through the Xmas season and all players with a golflink handicap are welcome to play for just $7.

Sunday Competition

Ray Turner finished the A Grade winner and overall winner on a countback for Sunday’s Stroke monthly Medal event when he returned a nett score of 65. Phil Elliott (69) and Ron Nunn (65) won the B and C grades respectively. Nearest the pins went to Tony Clewett on the 5th, Don Grimston won the 7th and Ron Nunn the 8th sponsored by Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10, RSM and Goulburn Workers Club.  Included in the rundown were R Lieschke 65 and Don Grimston 68.

Notices: Pennants for the B grade team commences Jan 29 as Tully play Fairbairn at Gungahlin Lakes arrive at 11.10 to tee off 11.40. Players please contact the team captain, Ray Turner, regarding availability. A copy of the schedule is at the clubhouse. Thanks to the volunteers for their excellent work on the course, don’t forget the working bee Saturday Jan 14 from 7am until 12pm. To all members… have a safe and happy Xmas season.