Tully Park Golf 04/09/16

Goulburn Soldiers Club Competition

John Peterson won the $25 Goulburn Soldiers Club voucher last week after a countback win over Tony Clewett when both scored 24 points.  The rundown went to Thank you to the Goulburn Soldiers Club for their generosity in continuing their sponsorship of this great competition for another year. Over the next 6 the Kevin Allen Consistency competition will be included with additional vouchers of $100 (from Val Allen), $60 and $30 on offer. The best round each week will count with the best 4 over the competition being totalled.

Sunday Competition

The weather again got the best of us with flooding across the course putting our Sunday comp on hold for this week. Next Sunday, Sept 11, is the postponed Tully  v RSL 4 ball aggregate for the Snell trophy, also including the final round of the Pairs event with another $100 voucher each to the winning pairs team. The cost for Sunday is $15/player with a BBQ lunch to be enjoyed afterwards.


The Tully Park/ Gold Creek junior pennants team finally have their next round of the State knockout to play on Sunday Sept 18 at Belconnen. Good luck to Trent Cooper, Jon Gegg and Rheannah Webb for their matches.

The Tully juniors return to Saturday mornings from this week 8.30 to 10.30am with coaching this week.

Thank you to all who have helped clean up the debris after the floods last week.