Tully Park Golf Results 19th August 2024

Ladies played their Foursomes Championships for 2024 , 18th August Round 2024 1 results were Maxine Mclaughlin  & Beryl Gray with 83 nett , !9th August 2024 Round 2 was won by Ratna Rankmore & Beryl Gray with 78 1/2 nett . After 36 holes the Gross Champions are Ratna Rankmore & Beryl Gray with 228 gross , the Nett Champions are Maxine McLaughlin & Beryl Gray with 167 nett .  The Ball rundown for Round 1 were Heather Buchanan & Ruth Beveridge with 85 nett , Georgina Cook & Lil Ryan also with 85 nett. Round 2 rundown went to Georgina Cook & Lil Ryan 87 nett , Heather Buchanan & Ruth Beveridge with 86 nett. Congratulations ladies.

The Goulburn Soldiers Club Midweek Comp was this week won by Glenn Baxter with 25 pts , Simon Jiang followed up with 24 pts , Phil Heath & Kim Fahey both had 21 pts , the opportunity to play this week was hampered by the weather .

Sunday’s comp was a 2 Person Ambrose with a good amount of members turning up to play , the team of Craig Langby & Mick Gray came home to eat pies and celebrate with 59 nett , Max Sakiasi & Joe Spurek followed in 2nd with 61 nett , then Tom & Matt James with 62 3/4 , Luke Dixon & Chris Lewis with 64 3/4 , Adam Rowe & Isaac Lanham with 65 3/4 and finally Russell Lieschke & Eddie Hawkins with 66 1/2 . Mr Roly Wong took the Jackpot Hole naturally  , Craig Langby was best on the 7th NTP , Chris Lewis jagged the 14th NTP , Glenn Baxter & Eddie Sivell claimed the D&P 13th whilst Chris Lewis & Luke Dixon snared the D&P 16th . Next week is the Monthly Medal and following that the AGM , all members are asked to attend .