Tully Park Golf 7/11/2021

Sunday Competition

Congratulations to Tully Park junior Anbarrasan Mitchell who has taken the title of A Grade champion for 2021 after a playoff against defending champion Trent Cooper.  Both players had finished on a gross total of 296 and went to two holes to determine the winner. The Mexican team event was cancelled due to the rain.

Don’t forget to book for tee times for next Sunday’s Charity 2 Person Ambrose.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole

Simon McDonald won the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole event last week with 28 points with Malcolm Young close behind on 27 and Stephen Rigby next on 26. On 25 were Max Sakiasi and Beryl Gray, Brian Larkin had 24 and Ben Pearson and Mark Berrisford made up the rundown on 23.


The annual Captains v Presidents event was held last week with the Presidents’team victorious in a close match up of 201 to 199. For the captain’s team Maxine Mclaughlin came in with 41 points while the best for the President’s team was Georgina Cook on 38. Elsey Slater and Georgina Cook won the nearest the pins for the day and the rundown included Joy Leary on 37 and Holly Beard on 34.

BioCleanse 2 person Ambrose

The first week of the Biocleanse 2 person ambrose saw J ames Will and Jesse Cao team up best for a nett 38.5. Jon Gegg and Mac Fife were next on 41 followed by Russ Schmitt and Alan Bill on 41.4. The weekly event will run until Dec 9 . It can be played any day so check the notices in the clubhouse window for details.

Notices:  The Brian Mills Charity Day 2 Person Ambrose over the weekend of Nov 13/ 14 bookings on the Sunday morning are essential. Help us raise funds for local schools and the Goulburn and District Prostate Cancer Support Group.   Thanks to Luke and the volunteers for your work on the course and at the clubhouse. Preferred lies on the course will be restricted to “on the correct fairway only” from the start of the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole event on December 3. This is prior warning of the change.