Tully Park Golf 14/11/2021

Sunday Competition

Lachlan Bill and Jennaya Otaway won the social division of the Brian Mills Charity Day 2 person ambrose with a nett score of 60 for the par 73. Holly Beard and Brandon Courts also teamed up well for nett 63 and Tim Redman and Adam Gordon took third with 73. The mens division was won by Trent Coopper and Jon Gegg with 66.75 followed by Mitch Cook and Josh Ryrie 69.5 and Mick Regterschot and Tim Elliott on 69.5 in second and third after a countback. The rundown went to 72.25 on a countback. Nearest the pin on the Goulburn Soldiers Club 14th was won by Eddie Sivell and the team drive and pitch was won by Max Sakiasi / Simon Jiang in the mens getting 1.55m and Holly Beard / Brandon Courts with 1.2m for the social.

A full list of results is in the results slots on the clubhouse wall. Tully raised $2310 to be shared between Goulburn South and Goulburn East Primary Schools and the Goulburn and District Prostate Cancer Support Group.


The Ladies Foursome Championships, played over 2 days, were won by the team of Elsey Slater and Beryl Howe with an overall gross of 201. The nett winner over the competition were Beryl Grey and Georgina Cook on 143. The individual round winner were Elsey Slater and Beryl Howe on nett 68 for round 1 and Holly Beard and Joy Leary on 74 for round 2.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole

John Smith showed the way, in a rain interrupted week, with 27 points to take the Goulburn Soldiers Club voucher. Stan Geale and Greg Maskill were next best on 23 followed by Graham Mansfield, Ben Pearson and Chris Ryan each on 21.

BioCleanse 2 person Ambrose

Mark Berrisford and Russ Schmitt teamed up for a 44.9 nett score in the Biocleanse 2 person ambrose last week. Bryan Norris and Chris Norris put in a good performance for their first match up in the comp with 46.5 and Mick and Helena Regterschot were next best on 46.75. The third week is now underway with only 6 weeks in total you should get your teams out there and see how you go.

Slater Drafting Par 3

The final Slater Drafting Par 3 event was held in less than favourable conditions on Saturday. The winner for the day was Noel James with a nett 28.  The event will return in 2022 in January. The new calendar is available at the clubhouse.

Notices:  Nov 21 Stableford. The following players have qualified for the 2021 Gold Medal playoff on Nov 28: A Boxsell, J Cooper, T Cooper, B Elliott, M Fife, D Grimston, J Harrison, T James, A McDonald, D O’Brien, I Peterson, M Regterschot, B Reid, C Ryan, M Sakiasi, r Schmitt, E Sivell, G Spence, G Tasker, C Toole, R Turner, J Will, and M Wilson.