Tully Park Golf 10/9/17

Sunday Competition

Showing the true effects of a good putting round Don Grimston took the putting prize on Sunday for his 28 putts on his way to a nett stroke round of 60. Next best was shared on 66 by Eddie Hawkins, Ken Wray and Trent Cooper. Ray Turner scored the final ball in the rundown with a countback on 68. Ken Wray won the Nearest the Pin  on the Capital Country Plumbing 7th and Trent Cooper was closest for the drive and pitch on Kev’s Quality Meats 12th. Thanks to R Turner for his Trophy donation. The Kevin Allen Consistency can be played in conjunction with some Sunday rounds over the next six weeks.

Par 3

Persistence paid off for Christine Norris as she won the Adult division of the September Par 3 on Saturday with a nett round of 20 after being so close on her last few attempts. Jaemon Boerman won the junior division after a countback on 28 as he just tipped Elsey Slater from back to back wins.

Notices:  Sept 17 Stableford. With major championships in Oct, title winners will have to have 10 handicapped rounds over the past 12 months from round 1. 

Goulburn  Soldiers Club 12 hole event

John Peterson braved the blustery conditions last week to make 22 points and receive the $25 Goulburn Soldiers Club voucher. Also enduring the tough conditions were Joy Leary 21 and Ratna Rankmore 20.   Kevin Allen Consistency Competition commences this Friday from 12pm with a $100 voucher on offer for first, $60 for second and a box of balls for 3rd. It is run over the next 6 weeks as part of the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole event and can be played any day of the week. Cost is $7 and the best round each week will count towards the best 4 of the six weeks. 


Heather Buchanan and Judy Moran won the A and B divisions respectively after returning nett scores of  75 and 73 last Monday.  Beryl Gray was a putting comp winner for the day with 34.

Tully park Golf 3/9/17

Sunday Competition

In a tight field of good scores Ted, Stan and Michael Kadzeila and Mark Geale teamed up for a superb nett score of 51.75 just tipping out another other good team of Shane Cooper, Anthony Cooper, Ray Turner and Bryan Norris with 52.75. T Tahana pulled together a respectable group with A Boxsell, A Grandovski and J Curry on 53.25 and making up the rundown was R Lieschke, E Hawkins, C Eggins and R Nunn on 54.875. Nerarest the pins went to T Tahana on the Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10 hole and R Schmitt won on the Workers Club 8th as well as picking the lucky number for the prize.

Notices: Sept 10 Stableford. Sat Sept 9 is the Par 3 event with tee off from 8am to 3pm. Adult and junior divisions for a cost of only $7 per player it’s a lot of fun for all levels of skill.  Thanks to the volunteers who assisted with the coring on Sat your efforts are appreciated. The Kevin Allen Consistency Competition commences from 12pm Fri Sept 15 in conjunction with the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole comp or some Sunday comps over the following 6 weeks.

Major Championships are on Oct 21,22, 28, and 29. To take a grade title players must have played at least 10 handicappable rounds since last years Round 1.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 Hole event

Ron Nunn made it back to back with another win in the 12 hole comp with  28 points after a countback with John Blair. Bryson Plumb and Eddie Hawkins both made 26 while Ratna Rankmore was again in the race with her 25. The rundown went to 24 on a countback.


Beryl Howe led the field with 37 points to win division 2 and Heather Buchanan won division 1 with 30. Toni Antigo 34 and Georgina Cook 29 were in the rundown. Nearest the pin was T Antigo.

Tully Park Golf 27/8/17

Newest member for the Mowing Team

President Shane Cooper using the newest addition to the Tully Park mowing equipment. A fairway mower. Check out the results next time you play.

Sunday Competition

Tony Clewett had a well deserved win in the August Monthly Medal stroke event on Sunday after carding a nett 61 and taking both the C Grade and the Goulburn Soldiers Club nearest the pin on the 14th hole. Ian Peterson 9A grade ) performed well again with 64 while Chris Ryan 65 (B Grade), and Josh Cooper and Ray Turner returned 66 each.  Trent Cooper won the drive and pitch on the Gordon Hotel 11th.

Notices: Sept 3 Ambrose 4 Person with social players welcome, so bring a team and tee off by 9am on Sunday for a great time. Anyone who can help with the coring on Sat Sept 2 please come out for around 8.30-9am, your help will be greatly appreciated. Friday Sept 15 at 12pm sees the start of this years Kevin Allen Consistency Competition with thanks to V Allen. It runs for 6 weeks as part of the midweek comp and can be played anytime through the week. Players can play as part of the Sunday comp when stableford scoring happens. Major Championships are on in Oct and players are required to have played at least 10 handicapped rounds in the year from Round 1 of the championships last year to count for the overall prizes. Memberships are due with golflink access ceased from this Friday for those still unfinancial.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Competition

Ron Nunn proved victorious with 28 points last week just pipping Ratna Rankmore and Jon Gegg both on 27. Anthony Cooper 25, Trent Cooper 24 and Eddie Hawkins 23 (countback) made up the rundown.


The juniors return to Sat mornings from this Sat Sept 2 at 8.30am.


The Ladies stroke event last week was won by Heather Buchanan on nett 75 for Division 1 while Beryl Gray won Division 2 with 74 nett.


Tully Park Golf 20/8/17

Sunday Competition

Phil Elliott scraped home with a countback win in the stableford event on Sunday with 40 points ahead of Don Grimston and Ian Peterson. Josh Cooper also fared well with 36. Don also made the best scores on the Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10 hole, Lee and Thomas 13th and Capital Country Plumbing 18th holes with 7 points after a countback. Eddie Sivall won the nearest the pin on the 5th and the Millenium Windows drive and pitch was not won. As the weather warms up it is worth noting players can play Saturday for the Sunday events. Championships are only a couple of months away and the qualify for the overall championships players must have played in 10 handicappable rounds in the last year.


Goulburn Soldiers 12 Hole Competition

Jon Gegg returned to form with a midweek win with 28 points. Josh Cooper 22 and Don Grimston were also in the rundown to 20 on a countback. The Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole event can be played any day of the week and with the Kevin Allen Consistency Comp to start soon and another $100 voucher up for grabs it’s a great way to enjoy your golf and support the club.

Notices: Sunday Aug 27 Stroke Monthly Medal. Congratulations to the committee for 2018 of Shane Cooper (Pres) Chris Webb (V.P) Russell Schmitt (Capt), Di Schmitt (Sec/ Treas), Joy Leary (Ass. Treas), and Ken Wray, Gary Spence, Chris Toole, Jeremy Harrison and Eddie Hawkins. Thanks to all of the volunteers for their efforts over the last year and we hope you can continue for the next year. Thank you to John Loubry for his committee service.

Ladies Golf

The 2017 Foursomes Championships have been played and won by the gun team of Heather Buchanan and Judy Moran with 205 gross over the two rounds. Beryl Howe and Ratna Rankmore joined forces to take the nett win with 149.


Tully juniors only have this Saturday left for afternoon coaching before  returning to the mornings at 8.30 from Sept 2. Last Saturday Ned Slater and Nathan Chandola were the putting competition winners.


Tully Park Golf 13/8/17

Foursomes Championships

Conditions were great for golf but foursomes golf for all on Sunday as Ken Wray and Tony Clewett blew away the competition to win the nett for both rounds played on the day. Consistency is the key for this event with experience winning out for these two as they carded back to back rounds of 67.5 and 69.5. This left them with a total of 137 to win the overall nett prize as well. Unlucky to be beaten were another solid pairing of Marty Weise and Chris Webb (72.5 and 69.5) as they finished in 3rd for round 1 to Chris Elliott and Phil Elliott (69.5) and then  2nd for round 2 ahead of Anthony Cooper and Bryan Norris (71).

Gross winner for the day were Trent Cooper and Shane Cooper with a combined total of 174 for their two rounds to edge out Chris and Phil Elliott one shot behind and Tony Clewett and Ken Wray one further back. Only one nearest the pin was won for Ken Wray on the 7th with the Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10, Workers Club and Goulburn Soldiers Club opportunities going begging for the day.  Thanks to all of the players for their support for the day and to C Norris D Schmitt and J Leary for looking after the lunches.

Par 3

Elsey Slater took out the junior section of the monthly Par 3 with a nett 25 and Marina Wenban showed she has potential for her 19 nett in the adult division. The next Par 3 is Sept 9.

Goulburn Soldier Club 12 hole Competition

Eddie Hawkins managed another under par score of 25 points last week  to win the Soldier Club voucher as Brian Larkin finished hot on his heels with 24. Don Grimston stayed consistent with 21 and John Peterson 20 and Berryl Gray 19 made up the rundown.

Notices: August 20 Stableford & AGM at 1pm. All members are asked to attend with Championships on the agenda.Thanks to K Bensley, C Toole, T Clewett, and B C Training for their help on the new tee areas in recent weeks.

Tully Park Golf Club 6/8/17

ACT -Monaro District Par Event

Congratulations to Tracker Tahana and Adam Boxsell on finishing tied first at the District Par Event on Sunday with +6. Unfortunately they were beaten from the top honours on countback but they are still in good stead for the next round.

Sunday Competition

Tony Clewett was smart enough to pick the ‘new guy’ as his partner on Sunday as he and Jeremy Harrison, playing his first round of comp, won on countback in the 4BBB stableford event after finishing with 43 points. Unlucky for their back nine result were Anthony Cooper and Bryan Norris also on 43. Marty Weise proved it was no fluke earlier this year when he won nearest the pin on the Workers Club 8th hole by repeating the result on the 7th in the windy conditions. Russell Lieschke won the drive and pitch on Kev’s Quality Meats 12th hole.

Notices: Sat Aug 12 is the Par 3 event. Tee off 8am – 3pm, all welcome Juniors come for 2pm if you wish to go around in the junior groups. Next Sunday, Aug 13, is the Foursomes Championships with both R1 and R2 played for the day. Cost is $15/ round and includes a BBQ lunch. Tee off is set for 7.30 so anyone looking for a game please show up around 7am so we can organise the teams. Aug 20 is the AGM at 1pm. Agenda items include the Championships and grades. Sept 15 is the start of the Kevin Allen Consistency Competition with thanks to V Allen.

Gouburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Competition

Don Grimston was the runaway winner last week with 29 points, 5 ahead of the next best players on 24, Eddie Hawkins and Bryan Norris. Joy Leary, John Peterson and Greg Maskill all finished on 23 to make up the rundown.


tully park golf 30/7/17

Sunday Competition

Don Grimston outshone the competition on Sunday with a nett 65 to win the Stoke event and C Grade Monthly Medal. Tom Heath was the A grade winner on 66 as well as nearest the pin on the Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10 hole and Phil Elliott took the B grade with 69 and won the drive and pitch on the Lee and Thomas 13th. The ball rundown included Chris Ryan on 66 and Ken Wray on 70 (c/b).

Notices: Sunday Aug 6 4BBB stableford. Good luck to the two teams for the district final of the Par event next Sunday at Fairbairn. The Foursomes championships will be run on Sunday Aug 13 with the 2 rounds played back to back on the day. Cost $30/ person and includes lunch. All players to be there for 7.30am tee offs. Memberships are now due. AGM August 20 at approx. 1pm. All players are to use the 17th tee until further notice while the 9th tee is being renovated.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole comp

Chris Ryan stole Don Grimston’s weekly double chance by sneaking ahead with a 27 point round last week pipping Don with his 26. Joy Leary 24, Russell Schmitt 23 and John Peterson 22 made up the rundown.  No midweek comp play this Thurs while work is being done on the course. All players use the 17th tee for the 9th tee as noted above.

Tully Juniors

Nathan Chandola started to find his form last week to win the junior stableford competition on Saturday. Elsey Slater was second with brother Ned pushed into third on a countback.

Tully Park golf 23/7/17

Sunday Competition

Experience won over on Sunday as the team of Don Grimston, Ken Wray and Tony Clewett banded together to finish with 107 points in the Irish Team event. Leading the way for his team Don managed 45 points but crucially none of the players had a zero point hole making the multiplication aspect of the game that much easier. Next best on the day was the team of Tom Heath, Phil Elliott and Chris Elliott on 101. Nearest the pin on the Goulburn Soldiers Club 14th was not won and the Carpet Court 16th drive and pitch was won by Trent Cooper. Thanks to G Spence for his donation for the day.

Notices: Sunday July 30 Stroke monthly Medal. Memberships are now due. Sunday trophy donors are needed. B Grocott won the lucky number draw. AGM Aug 20. Foursomes Championships Rounds 1 & 2 are on August 13. Committee nominations are now due.

Goulburn Soldiers 12 Hole Competition

John Peterson topped the honours list last week with a 26 point round to pip Joy Leary and Di Schmitt both on 24. Michael Kadzeila 23, Berryl Gray and Don Grimston  both on 22 on countback made up the rundown for the week.

Tully Juniors

Tully juniors had a putting competition and chipping and putting team event on Saturday with Nitika Chandola winning the putting and Nathan Chandola teaming up with Charlise Vandeven to take out the team event. The juniors have another month in the 3pm Sat timeslot before returning to mornings in September.


Tully Park Golf 16/7/17

Sunday Competition

Mick Harris was the stableford winner after a countback over Trent Cooper when both finished with 40 points on Sunday. Russell Lieschke was close behind on 39 with Ian Peterson and Don Grimston making up the rundown on 37. Don also took out the Mystery Holes for July with 8 points on the Antony Auto’s 2nd, Gordon Hotel 11th and Carpet Court 16th holes. Nearest the pin went to Jim Last on the Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10 hole while Mick Harris also won the drive and pitch on  the Gordon Hotel 11th.

Notices: July 23 Irish Team Event (teams of 3). Memberships are now due. Agenda items and committee nominations are required by July 31. Foursomes Championships R1 and R2 August 13. Names for 2018 pennants needed as are trophy donors for the Sunday comp. Well done Rheannah Webb with her results from the junior week of golf. 8th overall for the B division.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole competition

24 points was enough to get Eddie Hawkins over the line last week for another win. On 23 points were John Peterson, Sharon Scott, and Russell Schmitt. Bryson Plumb and Russell Lieschke on 22.

Tully Park Golf 9/7/17

Sunday Competition

The Webb pairing of Chris and Rheannah cleaned up on Sunday in the 4 ball best ball event with 48 points showing team consistency with 24 for each 9 holes. After a three way countback the teams of Don Grimston and Ken Wray, and Tony Clewett and Simon Jiang came out in front with 44 points each. Chris Webb took the nearest the pin for the Workers Club 8th and Phil Elliott won the Drive and Pitch on Kev’s Quality Meats 12th.

Par 3

Showing the talent runs through the Webb family, mother Letitia Webb won the adult section of the July Par 3 event with nett 18 and Nitika Chandola proved best for the junior division with 25. The next Par 3 is on August 12.

Goulburn Soldiers 12 Hole Competition

Berryl Gray made it 2 from 2 with a countback win on 23 over Bryson Plumb and John Peterson last week. Included in the rundown were Joy Leary, Ron Nunn and Eddie Hawkins all on 22.

Notices: Sunday July 16 stableford. Thanks to the committee volunteers who helped get the plumbing done for the shed on Saturday in the cold conditions. The first tee is undergoing renovations so all players are asked to use the temporary tee located to the front until further notice. Foursomes Championships are set for both rounds on Sunday August 13 with a BBQ lunch on the way around. Plan for the day and book a cart early if you need it. AGM is August 20 nominations are being taken for the committee and any agenda items should be put in by the end of July.