Tully Park Golf 19/11/17

Sunday Competition

The Mexican Team event was a challenge well met by the Cooper family combination of Trent Shane, Josh and Anthony as they managed a highly respectable 109 points together. Next best were the team of Russell Lieschke, Eddie Hawkins, Chris Elliott and Jeremy Harrison on 100. Don Grimston was nearest the pin for the Capital Country Plumbing 7th and Josh Cooper was best on the Worker’s Club 8th.   


Notices: Sunday Nov 26 Stroke Monthly Medal & Golf Medal Playoff. Gala Day is Dec 10 with a shotgun start at 8am followed by lunch and presentation of the trophies for the year. Cost $15/person ($25 for those having played less than 10 comp rounds through the year). Thank you to the volunteers for their work on the course in wet conditions this week. All tickets in the Xmas Guessing Competition are due in by Gala Day.  


Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

Joy Leary left everyone in her wake scoring 29 points in last weeks 12 hole event. Tony Clewett was next best on 26 with Michael Hokenhaus next on 24. The rundown went to 22.  Thank you to the Soldier’s Club for their support.


In a double rounded competition for the Ladies last week the Captains team won the annual Captains v President 111 points to 102. Leading the way in the Captain’s win was Joy Leary on 34 points while the President’s best was Bev Grocott on 28. The Maximum 9 holes event division 1 was also won by Joy Leary on 30.66 nett while division 2 saw Ratna Rankmore scoop the pool also with 30.66.


Tully juniors will wrap up the year this Saturday with an Adult/Junior competition followed by the presentation of the trophies for the year. Tee off at 8.30am

Tully Park Golf 12/11/17

Charity Day

Tully Park members and guests banded together on Sunday to raise funds for the Goulburn and District Prostate Cancer Support Group and Goulburn Community Health and are proud to have raised $2245.

Winners of the 2 Person Ambrose event men’s division were Lachlan Bill and Ned Slater on 58.25, while Wayne Brown and Wade Pomery (59.25) took out the Social teams, and Chris and Bryan Norris teamed up for the Mixed teams win on 62.  Second placegetters for each division were J Harrison/ E Sivell, Tracker/ J Curry and S Cooper/ T Cooper respectively. Nearest the pins for the day went to M Kadzeila (Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10) 5th and T Rosevear (Capital Country Plumbing ) 7th. A full list of winners is on the clubhouse results board.

Winner of the coveted Baxter’s Shoes donation of a pair of boots was J Cooper. Thanks to Goulburn and District Prostate Cancer Support Group, Baxters Footwear, BWS, A & K Cooper, S & T Cooper and all of the members who donated prizes for the day.

Notices: Next Sunday Mexican Team event (can have 2, 3 or 4 in the team so come along).

Gold Medal playoff for the grade winners of all monthly medal since Nov 2016 is on Sunday Nov 26. This includes: T Clewett, S Cooper, C Eggins, P Elliott, D Grimston, E Hawkins, T Heath, R Lieschke, B Mills, B Norris, R Nunn, I Peterson, C Ryan, E Sivell, J Smith, D Spence, G Spence, T Tahana, R Turner, C Toole, and K Wray.

Par 3

Winners of the November Par 3 event on Saturday were Beryl Howe with nett 19 and Nathan Chandola with nett 27. This was the final Par 3 for 2017 with the next one scheduled for Jan 13.


Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole event

Shane Cooper dominated again last week with 28 points for the 12 hole competition. Eddie Hawkins was next best on 26 and Russell Schmitt scored 25 in a rundown that went to 21on countback.


Rain washed out last Sunday’s round for the Ladies but they should get better conditions for this Mondays event.

Tully Park Golf Club 5/11/17

Charity Day

Next Sunday Nov 12 is Tully Park’s turn to give back to Goulburn. The club is hosting a charity day 2 Person Ambrose with Men’s, Ladies,  Mixed and Social Divisions to include all playing levels. Recipients of the money raised are the Goulburn and District Prostate Cancer Support Group and Goulburn Community Health. There will also be Lucky Draw prizes on the day  with prizes already donated by local businesses like Baxter’s Footwear, BWS, Goulburn and District Prostate Cancer Support Group and members.  Any other donations for the day or monies for the charities will be gratefully accepted. Tee off from 7 to 9am with lunch included for $20 per person.

Sunday Competition

Shane Cooper backed up last weeks good round with a double header for this week. 41 points secured him the win over a close field with Russell Schmitt on 40, Jeremy Harrison 39 and John Smith and Gary Spence both with 38. The rundown went to 33 points. Nearest the pin on the Workers Club 8th was not won and on the Goulburn Soldiers Club 14th saw Russell Schmitt take the prize. Phil Elliott was the Mystery Holes winner for November after a countback for his 7 points on the Millenium Windows 1st, Capital Country Plumbing 7th and Goulburn Soldiers Club 14th. Trent Cooper has again taken the eagles nest this time for the Professionals Real Estate 15th.

Notices: Next Sunday Charity day (see above) Saturday Nov 11 Par 3 tee from 8am to 3pm fun for all ages. Thanks to C Ryan for his generous donation to the Tully Park Juniors.


Martel Maher scored 38 points to win the Division 1 last week with Georgina Cook taking division 2 with 33. The ball rundown went to 29 and Joy Leary was nearest the pin.

Goulburn Soldiers 12 Hole Comp

Shane Cooper had a good week winning the $25 voucher from the Soldiers Club with 27 points with Russell Schmitt, Chris Ryan, and John Peterson all on 26. Nathan Chandola and Greg Maskill both on 22 made up  the rundown.


Tully juniors can play in the Par 3 this Saturday with a chance at the $25 voucher. Tee off around 8.30 and cost is $7 for all players. Get your parents to bring their clubs and have a hit too.

Tully Park Golf 29/10/17

Sunday Competition

Lachlan Bill has won the A grade championships for 2017 with a total of 294 after the 4 rounds were completed on Sunday. Ray Turner took out the A grade nett with 270 and won the Rocky Harris Memorial Trophy for best nett in the championships after a countback. Ken Wray (332) was the B Grade gross while Chris Elliott (275) took the nett. The C Grade saw Eddie Sivell (364) hold on for the gross and Eddie Hawkins (285) take the nett.

The final 2 rounds were won by Chris Elliott with 63 nett on Saturday and Ray Turner 64 nett the Sunday and A grade monthly medal winner.  Eddie Sivell won the B grade medal for Oct with his 69 on Sunday and Shane Cooper managed the C grade medal also with 69. Chris Elliott won the nearest the pin for the Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10 fifth hole and Lachlan Bill won the drive and pitch on the Lee and Thomas 13th.

Notices: Nov 5th Stableford. Thanks to all of the volunteers for their excellent work on the course and clubhouse and gardens. Committee meeting Nov 5 after the golf.

Nov 12th Charity day with funds raised going to the Goulburn and District Prostate Cancer Support Group and Goulburn Community Health (to assist with the purchase of a prostate cancer scanner). Tee off 7am to 9am Cost $20/person with all golfers and non golfers welcome.


Heather Buchanan was back in the winner’s seat last week with her 71 nett for division 1 and Beryl Gray finished with 76 nett for her division 2 win. The ball rundown went to 77 and Di Schmitt and Judy Moran were the putting comp winners.


Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Competition

Bryson Plumb dug deep last week to score 30 points and win $25 Goulburn Soldiers Club voucher as well as rocket himself into contention for the Kevin Allen Consistency Comp. Included in the rundown were Jeremy Harrison 26, Di Schmitt and Chris Ryan both on 25 in a rundown that went to 22 on countback.

The final round of the Kevin Allen Consistency Competition had Chris Ryan maintain his stronghold on the lead and take the $100 voucher with a total of 105 over his best 4 rounds. Bryson Plumb was the dark horse who came from nowhere to leap into second with 103 and take the $60 voucher while Don Grimston was relegated into third on countback with his 103. Thanks to V Allen for her support of the club.


Tully Juniors return this Sat with coaching from 8.30am to 10am. Nov 11 is the Par 3 event teeing from 8.30am

Tully Park Golf 22/10/17

Sunday Competition

The first 2 rounds of the Championships have been played and Lachlan Bill (150) leads the A Grade gross with Russell Schmitt (132) in front for the nett after each won a round on the weekend. The B grade is led by Ken Wray (164) for the gross and Jeremy Harrison (139) for the nett while the C Grade sees Eddie Sivell (179) lead the gross and Alan Bill (138) the nett . The rundowns went to 68 on Saturday and 69 on Sunday.

Nearest the pin on the Goulburn Soldiers Club 14th on Sunday went to Jim Last and Russell Lieschke took the Carpet Court 16th drive and pitch.    

Notices:  Sat/ Sun 28/29 rounds 3 and 4 of championships. All championship results are in the clubhouse window.  Sunday Nov 12 Charity day 2 Person Ambrose to raise funds for the Goulburn Prostate Cancer Support Group and the Goulburn Community Health (to assist with the purchase of a prostate cancer scanner).  Cost $20/ person incl lunch. Tee from 7am to 9am. All golfers and non- golfers welcome.  

Goulburn Soldiers 12 Hole Competition

John Peterson won on countback last week with 27 points over Eddie Hawkins. Also in the rundown were Lachlan Bill, Chris Ryan and Ron Nunn all on 26, Joy Leary and Russell Schmitt on 25 and Don Grimston and Brian Larkin on 24 on countback.

This week sees the final few days of the Kevin Allen Consistency Competition with a tight grouping at the top of the board in the hunt for the three prizes on offer. Chris Ryan leads on 104 for his best 4 rounds so far, followed by Don Grimston 103 and Tony Clewett and John Peterson both on 101.


In the maximum 9 hole stableford event last week Ratna Rankmore won division 1 with 23 points while Beryl Howe took out division 2 with 24 points. The rundown went to 22 points.


Tully Park Golf 15/10/17

Sunday Competition

In taking out the nearest the pin on the Capital Country Plumbing 7th hole Tom Heath proved too good on Sunday with a 40 point round at Tully to win the stableford event by 2 points over Russell Schmitt, Mick Harris and Edie Hawkins. The rundown went to 36 on a 3 card countback. Eddie Sivell won the Gordon Hotel drive and pitch on the 11th hole and Ken Wray picked up the mystery holes after a countback on the Goulburn Prostate Cancer Support Group 4th, Classique Chemdry 10th and Goulburn Soldiers Club 14th holes.

Notices: Next Sat/Sun rounds 1 and 2 of the major Championships, cost $15/round. Must have played in 10 handicappable rounds through the past 12 months to qualify for the overall grade titles. Tee all day Sat (organise your playing partners)  and up to 8.30am Sun. Lucky Number winner C Elliott (58). Thank you to our volunteers for their great work on the course with watering, mowing and cleaning of the clubhouse.

Nov 12 Goulburn Prostate Cancer Support Group and Goulburn Community Health Charity Day. 2 person ambrose, tee 7-9am $15/person incl lunch. Grab some friends and enter a team or two with mens mixed and social categories.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole event.

Marty Weise won last weeks round after a five way countback on 25 points pipping Di Schmitt, Rheannah Webb, Beryl Howe and Don Grimston. The rundown went to 23 on countback. With only 2 rounds to run for the Kevin Allen Consistency Comp Don Grimston has taken the lead on 101 with Chris Ryan on 100 and Tony Clewett on 99. It is the best round each week and the best 4 rounds over the six weeks that count and there are several people still in stiking distance for a win of the $100, $60 and $30 vouchers.


Di Schmitt made a nett 69 round last week to win division 1 with Georgina Cook taking out division 2 with 73 and the putting with 30. June Spillane won the division 1 putting with 31.

Par 3

The October Par 3 event was won by Letitia Webb on 20 while Nitika Chandola took out the junior section on 26. The next par 3 is on Nov 11.

Tully Park Golf 8/10/17

Sunday Competition

Eddie Hawkins and Russell Lieschke teamed up to win the 4 ball best ball stableford event with 47 points on Sunday. Alan and Lachlan Bill were next best with 46 followed by Jeremy Harrison and tony Clewett 45 and Ken Wray and Don Grimston made up the rundown on countback with 44. Chris Elliott won the nearest the pin on the 5th sponsored by Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10, while the Goulburn Prostate cancer support Group 4th drive and Pitch was not won.

Notices: Sat Oct 14 Par 3 tee from 8am to 3pm. Sunday Oct 15 Stableford. Thanks to the volunteers for their course work over the past week. Bi Rite guessing competition starts soon with a $500 voucher first prize, $200 hogget for 2nd and $100 third prize. Anyone who can help sell the tickets please organise to take a book or two.


Beryl Howe won the ladies stableford last Monday with 32 points with Joy Leary 29 and Di Schmitt 27 in the rundown. Tully ladies play Monday and Tuesday mornings from 8.30am for 18 holes and 12 holes on the days respectively.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Competition

Kerry Bensley scored 28 points last week to lead the field ahead of Don Grimston 27, Russell Schmitt and Bryson Plumb both on 26, and Russel Lieschke Eddie Hawkins, Chris Ryan  and Bryan Norris all on 25. The Kevin Allen consistency comp still has another couple of rounds to go with Tony Clewett still in the lead with Don Grimston and Chris Ryan both close behind. The comp details are in the clubhouse window.


Nitika Chandola won the junior stableford event on Saturday with 13 points followed by Elsey Slater and Rheannah Webb both on 12 points. Par 3 is on this Saturday with juniors teeing off around 8.30am.

Tully Park Golf 1/10/17

Sunday Competition

Marty Weise and Lachlan Bill teamed up for the 2 person ambrose and finished in commanding style with a nett 57.25. Hunting them down were Alan Bill and Russell Schmitt on 63.25 and Phil and Chris Elliott on 63.75. Lachlan also took out the nearest the pin on the 5th hole , Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10, while the 14th Goulburn Soldiers Club was not won. Thanks to P Elliott for his trophy donation.

Notices: Oct 8 Stableford 4 BBB including Memorial Day (in memory of our former members who have donated so much to the club. Thanks to the volunteers who helped prepare the course, clubhouse and food for the Highlands Vets last week, it was a great success. Major Championships commence Oct 21/22 and 28/29. Organise your partners for the Saturdays and tee anytime, for Sundays tee by 8.30am.

Goulburn Soldiers 12 hole Comp

Round 2 of the Kevin Allen comp saw Russell Lieschke score an eagle on the Gordon Hotel 11th and secure a win with 28 points. Don Grimston 27, Tony Clewett, Judy Moran and Eddie Hawkins (all 26) were in the rundown that went to 24. There are 4 more rounds of the Consistency Comp and after round 2 Tony Clewett leads on 53 while Joy Leary and Chris Ryan are tied 2nd on 51 each. The player’s best round for the week will count and their best 4 over the 6 weeks are totalled for the final positions with 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes on offer. Players must tee by 9am on the Friday to be included in each week’s round. After that goes into the next week’s comp.


Rheannah Webb played in the week of golf in Canberra last week and finished 8th over the 4 day event. Her rounds of 31, 31, 33 and 38 are a great return for some time off. Juniors return this Sat morning for a competition from 8.30 to 10am. The following week is the Par 3 for Oct.


Heather Buchanan won division 1 of the Choice 9 event with the Tully Park Ladies last Monday with 33 while Beryl Howe won Division 2 with 36/3. Putting was won by Ratna Rankmore 30 and Judy Moran 31.

Tully Park Golf 24/9/17

Sunday Competition

Don Grimston proved too good on Sunday taking the B Grade Monthly Medal for September and winning the stroke event with a nett 64. Ray Turner took the A grade prize with 66 and Tony Clewett won the C Grade with 71. The ball rundown included Trent Cooper 67, who also won the eagles nest with a 3 on the Capital Country Plumbing 18th hole, Josh cooper 69 and Chris Ryan 70. Nearest the pin went to R Turner on the Workers Club 8th and S Cooper won the drive and pitch on the Millenium Windows 1st.

Notices: Tully will be closed this Thursday until 1pm Sept 28 to host the Highlands Veterans Golfers.On Oct 1 we will have a 2 Person Ambrose. Round 2 of the Kevin Allen Consistency Competition is underway.

Goulburn Soldiers 12 Hole competition

Chris Ryan leads the Kevin Allen consistency Competition after the first round with 29 points but will have to perform well over coming weeks as Tony Clewett 28, John Peterson and Beryl Gray 27 and Ruth Beveridge, Joy Leary and Bev Grocott all on 26 are close behind. The rundown last week went to 23. It is the a players best round for the week that counts and the best 4 rounds over the 6 weeks will count to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes on offer.


Bev Grocott won division 1 last week with 65 nett while Georgina Cook took out division 2 with 67. Ratna Rankmore and Beryl Gray showed the way with the putting with 31 and 30 respectively. Good work ladies in the 12 hole comp you’ve thrown out the challenge.


Nathan Chandola picked up his first competition par on Saturday and is finally allowing his ability to shine through. Else Slater performed well in the chipping and putting competition to show she will be a force to be reckoned with in future.

Tully Park Golf 17/9/17

Sunday Competition

Ian Peterson demonstrated his accuracy on Sunday as he won the stableford event on countback with 38 points and won the nearest the pin on the Goulburn Soldiers Club 14th and the drive and pitch on the Carpet Court 16th. Tom Heath 38 Don Grimston 38 also played to their best ahead of Jeremy Harrison 37 and Chris Elliott 36 (c/b). Lachlan Bill returned from an injury break to win the Mystery Holes on countback with 8 points for the Merino Fuels 3rd, Capital Country Plumbing 7th and Kev’s Quality Meats 12th.

Notices: September 24 Stroke Monthly Medal. Major Championships start Oct 21 and players must have 10 handicapped rounds in the last 12 months to qualify for the overall titles. All players are eligible for the individual round prizes

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Competition 

The Tully Ladies are coming into form at the right time with Beryl Gray winning the $25 voucher last week with 29 points. Brian Larkin 27, Chris Ryan 26, Ron Nunn 26, Ratna Rankmore 25 and Judy Moran 25 made up the rundown. Round 1 of the Kevin Allen Consistency Competition  is underway as part of the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole event. Over the six rounds a players best round each week will count toward the $100 voucher first place or 2nd or 3rd place prizes.


Di Schmitt won division 1 and Judy Moran took division 2 last Monday when both finished with 36 points for the round.