Tully Park Golf 13/01/2019

Sunday Competition

Ryan Wilson and Ryan Saville showed how to combine for a team effort as they returned 52 points for the 4 ball best ball event on Sunday. Russell Lieschke and Eddie Hawkins had 48 in another good pairing followed by Don Grimston and Ken Wray 46, Chris Elliott and Phil Elliott 46, and Darryn Davis and Kayne Davis 45 for the rundown. Mitch Clark made an eagle on the Gordon Hotel 11 from behind the tree-line for an excellent recovery shot. Gary Spence won the nearest the pin for the Goulburn Soldiers Club Club 14th hole Comp and Tracker Tahana won the drive and pitch on the Carpet Court 16th.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole comp

Tom James finished with 27 to take the $25 voucher last week beating Don Grimston 25, Alan McDonald 24, Alan Bill 24, Russell Lieschke 22, Wayne James 22 and Bryan Norris 21 in a 4 card countback.

Multiquip Par 3

The January Multiquip Par 3 was won in a close contest by Tom James with a nett 20 to just fend off Anbarasan Mitchell and Chris Webb both on 21. The next Par 3 is February 9.

Notices: Sunday Jan 20 stableford.  Check out the clubhouse windows for the new Australia Golf rules in place from Jan 1 and the new local rules regarding the fences along the 5thand 6th holes and out of bounds.

Tully Park Golf 06/01/2019

Sunday Competition

Gary Spence showed the way with 41 points on Sunday for the stableford event. Shane Cooper and Trent Cooper both came in with 40 points each. Darryn Davis 39, Tom James 37, Chris Elliott, Tony Clewett, and Mark Berrisford all on 36 made up the rundown that went to a 6 card countback. Tony Clewett won the Capital Country Plumbing 7th nearest the pin and Trent Cooper won the Lee and Thomas drive and pitch on the 13th.

Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

Graham Tasker made 30 points to take the Goulburn Soldiers Club $25 voucher with Tony Clewett on 29 close behind. Gary Spence made 27 Ron Nunn 26, Chris Ryan 25, Alan Bill 25 and Bryson Plumb 24 were in the rundown.

Multiquip Par 3

The first Multiquip Par 3 event for the year is on this Sat Jan 12. Tee from 7am to 12pm. Great fun for golfers of all levels. Handicaps given to newcomers to the sport. Cost is $7 per player

Notices: Sunday Jan 13, 4BBB stableford.  Check out the clubhouse windows for the new Australia Golf rules in place from Jan 1 and the new local rules regarding the fences along the 5thand 6th holes and out of bounds.

Tully Park Golf Club 30/12/18

Sunday Competition

Tully junior Anbarasan Mitchell won Sunday’s stoke event and the monthly medal for the B grade with his nett 62. Paul Clarke was the C grade winner with 63 and Trent Cooper won the A grade with 65 on countback. Visitor Jarryd Clarke made 64, Tom James 64, John Smith 65 and Russell Lieschke 66 were in the rundown. Trent won the nearest the pin on the  5th for Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10, Gary Spence won the drive and pitch on Aaron’s Trees 12th.

Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

Ryan Saville won the Goulburn Soldiers Club $25 voucher for the 12 hole comp last week with 29 points. Ryan Wilson was next best on 28 followed by Sam McDonald 27, Tom James 26, Di Schmitt 26 and Trent Cooper 26. This great competition runs all year from Friday to Friday and all golfers with a Golflink handicap can play for only $7.

Multiquip Par 3

The first Multiquip Par 3 event for the year is on Sat Jan 12. Tee from 7am to 12pm. Great fun for golfers of all levels. Handicaps given to newcomers to the sport. Cost is $7 per player

Notices: Sunday Jan 6, stableford. Happy new year to all of our members, sponsors and social players. Thank you to the volunteers who braved the hot conditions last week for the watering, fence construction and mowing.  Check out the clubhouse windows for the new Australia Golf rules in place from Jan 1 and the new local rules regarding the fences along the 5thand 6th holes and out- of- bounds.

Tully Park Golf 23/12/18

Sunday Competition

John Smith put together a good round to come in with 40 points on Sunday to just edge out Eddie Sivell, Chris Ryan and Russell Schmitt all on 39.  Tom Heath made 38 and Gary Spence 37 to finish the rundown. Josh cooper won the drive and pitch on the Gordon Hotel 11th and Russell Schmitt won the mystery holes for December scoring 9 points for the Millenium Windows 1st, Goulburn Soldiers Club 9th and Chris Ryan Plumbing 18th.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

Simon Jiang scored a win for the 12 hole comp last week with 29 points. Mark Berrisford was next best on 27 with Alan McDonald 25, and Ron Nunn and Sharon Scott both on 24 in a rundown to 22.

Juniors return Feb 2nd from 8.30am to 10am.

Notices: Sunday Dec 30 Stroke Monthly Medal. Thanks to the volunteers for their work on the course, it looks great. Rule changes for 2019 are on a poster in the clubhouse window near the results. 2019 program is also available from in the clubhouse.

Tully Park Golf Club 16/12/18

Sunday Competition

 Chris Ryan scored well for a +6 in the Par event on Sunday with Don Grimston next best on +4. John Smith and Russell Schmitt both finished on +2 and the rundown went to Ross Stacey, Tom Heath and Ray Turner all square. Nearest the pin on the Goulburn Soldiers Club 14th and the drive and pitch on the Millenium Windows  1stboth went begging for a winner.

Eclectic winner for 2018 : Russell Lieschke best nett 48,Best 20 round stableford average Jeremy Harrison 38.1pts, best stableford score Marty Weise 65. Thanks to J & B Mills for all of your help with these results.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole 

 Ron Nunn was back in the winners circle after a 29 point roundlast week left him just ahead of Darryn Davis and Alan Bill on 28. Kayne Davis and Graham Tasker both made 27 and Bryson Plumb and Russell Schmitt scored 26 for the rundown.

Juniors return Feb 2nd from 8.30am to 10am.

Notices: Sunday Dec 23 Stableford. Thanks to the volunteers who assisted during the rain for moving the carriages. Rule changes for 2019 are on a poster in the clubhouse window near the results. 2019 program is also available from in the clubhouse.

Tully Park Golf 9/12/18

Sunday Competition

   The 3 person ambrose men’s division was won by the team of Mark Geale, Ted Kadziela and Michael Kadziela with a score of 52.  Martell Maher, Ryan  Wilson and  Ryan Saville teamed up for the mixed prize for the day with 57. Nearest the pins went to Chris Elliott on the Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10 hole and Jeremy Harrison and Rheannah Webb each won on the jewelBuilders hole. Thanks to all of the volunteers for their great efforts on thecourse.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

Don Grimston timed his run for the end to perfection givinghim a countback win on 26 points over Ron Nunn and Beryl Gray. Peter Webster was next best on 25 followed by Tony Clewett, John Peterson, Michael McPake, Mark Berrisford and Alan Bill all on 24. The rundown was also to a countback on 23.

Juniors return Feb 2nd from 8.30am to 10am.

Notices: Sunday Dec 16 is a Par event. Xmas guessing comp winners were: Bi-Rite $500 voucher M Hart , $200 voucher G Spence and the $100Merino Fuel voucher went to T Cooper and a Baxter’s Boots order to B Mills .Other prizes for the day went to M Maher, R Wilson and D Spence.

Tully Park golf 2/12/18

Sunday Competition

Don Grimston and Ken Wray teamed up to win the 4 ball best ball Captain vs president on Sunday after a three way countback on 44 points. Teams of Gary Spence/ Chris Elliott and Ryan Wilson/ Ryan Saville also made 44 with Sharon Scott and Martell Maher next best on 43. Gary Spence won the Capital country Plumbing nearest the pin on the 7th and Russell Lieschke won the Lee and Thomas drive and pitch on the 13th. E Hawkins won the lucky number draw. The Presidents team won the day with 246 to 244.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

For the second time in 2 weeks Ryan Wilson has prevailed as his game came together with a countback win over Peter Webster when both finished on 27 points last week. Eddie Hawkins made 26, Beryl Gray 25 and Ned Slater and Sharon Scott both had 24 for the rundown.


Tully juniors had their final Saturday morning coaching for the year with Nitika Chandola awarded the Max McColl encouragement award for 2019. Winners on the day for the foursomes event were Nathan Chandola and Elsey Slater with nett 20 while Rheannah Webb won the putting competition. Juniors will return on Sat Feb 2 at 8.30am for coaching. Private lessons can be booked through Pete Hayhoe (see the junior tab for details) . Thanks to E Slater and J McColl for their support of the club.

Notices: Dec 9 Ambrose 3 Person ( members with a handicap only) Gala Day. All Xmas guessing competition ticket books are due back this week for the Sunday draw. Cost $15/person (for members with 10+ comp games this year) and $25 (for members with <25 comp games this year) this includes lunch. Many thanks to our volunteers for the excellent work they are doing with the course and clubhouse.

Tully Park Golf 25/11/18

Sunday Competition

Bill Brodie is the 2018 Gold Medal playoff winner after having a nett 67 on Sunday and taking out the C Grade medal. Going into next year’s medal finalist draw are Mitchell Clark who won the A Grade on 59 nett and Don Grimston who won the B Grade on 68 nett. Tracker Tahana made eagle on the  Classique Chem dry 10th , nearest the pin on the 5th for Goulburn produce and Mitre 10 was Mitchell Clark and Josh Cooper won the Carpet Court 16th drive and pitch. The rundown included T Tahana 64, E Sivell 68, R Saville 69, R Turner 69, R Lieschke 69 and J Smith 70 (c/b).

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

In a high scoring week, it was Ryan Wilson who prevailed with 31 points for the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole win. Unlucky were Mark Berrisford and Graham tasker who both made 30 and leading off for the ladies were Joy Leary and Jeanelle Slater both on 29. Also in the rundown were Beryl Gray 28, and Ron Nunn and Bryson Plumb both on 27. The rundown went to 25 on a countback.


Closing Day results Champion of the Year Heather Buchanan (362 gross), B Division Ratna Rankmore (399 gross), 72 hole A nett Georgina Cook (281 nett), 72 hole B Nett Ruth Beveridge (288 nett). Gold Bar Winner Bev Grocott 69 nett. Division 1 gross Bev Grocott 92, and nett Sharon Scott 71, Division 2 gross Joy Leary 97, Div 2 Beryl Howe 74, Division 3 gross Beryl Gray 108, nett Ruth Beveridge 79. Best junior Elsey Slater.

Notices: Dec 12 Stableford 4BBB Captain v President. All Xmas guessing competition ticket books are due back for the Gala day (Dec 9) draw.

Presentation/Gala Day is on Dec 9, 3 Person Ambrose (handicap playing members only), costs $15 for all players includes lunch.    

Tully Park Golf 18/11/18

Sunday Competition

Ryan Wilson stormed home for 42 points on the weekend to win the stableford event with Ryan Saville close behind on 41 . Chris Elliott came in with 40 Anthony Cooper 39 Russ Schmitt 38 and Ian Peterson 37 for the rundown. Ron Nunn took the November mystery hole on a countback with 8 points on the BC Training 6th, Aarons Trees 12th  and Chris Ryan Plumbing 18th. Nearest the Pin on the Workers Club 8th was won by Russ Schmitt and John Smith took the Aarons trees 12th drive and pitch.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

Gordon Rankmore came home with 29 points to win the $25 voucher from the Goulburn Soldiers Club last week with Brian Larkin nearby on 27. Wayne James and Greg Maskill both made 26 and Beryl Gray stood out for the Ladies of the club with 23. Peter Webster finished the rundown with 22 on countback.3


The Ladies stroke event was won by Heather Buchanan for division 1 with 71 while Ruth Beveridge won division 2 on 67. Georgina Cook and Beryl Gray won the putting competitions with 30 and 32 respectively. The ball rundown included Bev Grocott 72, Joy Leary 73 and June Spillane 72.

Notices: Nov 25 Stroke Monthly Medal and Gold Medal Playoff. Those qualified for the Gold medal playoff are:   A Bill, G Spence, E Sivell, D Spence, J Harrison, B Brodie, T Heath, P Elliott, C Elliott, R Lieschke, C Webb, J Smith, D Grimston, R Nunn, J Cooper, R Schmitt, T Clewett, T Cooper, K Wray, T James, I Peterson, M Berrrisford, S Cooper.

Tully Park Golf 11/11/18

Sunday Competition

With thanks to our prize sponsors, Goulburn Soldiers Club, Divalls Goulburn Sand and Soil , Capital Country Plumbing, Goulburn and District Prostate Cancer Support Group, the Men’s and Ladies’ Committees at Tully Park Golf Club and our members Tully raised $2400  for the Goulburn and District Prostate Cancer Support Group and Goulburn Community Health.

Division winners for the day were: Mixed Lachan Bill and Rheannah Webb (58), followed by Martell Maher and John Beveridge (68); Social teams Scott Berg and Wade Pomery (61.5), Bill Brodie and Chris Lawrence 63.75 and Mark Berrisford and Paul Howes (64). Men’s Chris Ryan and Tom Heath (61), Pete Hayhoe and James Douglas (63) and Agro and Troy Rosevear (63.5). Ball rundown went to 66.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

Mark Berrisford scored another 12 hole win with 27 points last week. Ned Slater birdied the Capital Country Plumbing 7th on his way to 26 points followed by Brian Larkin 25 and,  Ratna Rankmore , Don Pennay and Tony Clewett all on 24 on countback.

Multiquip Par 3

The final Multiquip Par 3 event for the year saw up and coming junior Cooper Cargill add his name to the winners list for the year with a nett 17 for the round. Cooper fought off tough competition from both Beryl Gray and Ryan Wilson, both of whom played well for their nett 19’s.


Captains versus Presidents stableford event on Monday saw the Captains team win 163 to 157. Georgina Cook won the Captains with 40 while Bev Grocott was the Presidents winner with 36 on a countback.  Next week 19/11 is ‘Closing Day’. Tee off time is 9.00am. 18 Holes Stroke and putting in three divisions if enough players.  Ladies a plate for Lunch/ Afternoon tea please. Presentation for the yearly trophies will be presented following the meal.

Notices: Excellent work by the volunteers for their help with food and course preparation or the Charity Day. Members are asked to pick up a book of tickets for the Bi-Rite Guessing Competition with prizes of a $500 from Bi –Rite as first prize, $200 voucher for 2nd and a $100 fuel voucher from BP Merino Fuel for 3rd place. This raises much need funds for the club so help out where you can.