Tully Park Golf 11/8/2019

Sunday Competition

Josh Cooper took out Sunday’s stableford event with 37 points with Russell Schmitt in next on 35. Trent Cooper managed the Nearest the Pin for the Capital Country Plumbing 7th and the Carpet Court 16th drive and pitch.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

Before the layers of snow covered the course Don Grimston was through like a blizzard on his way to 32 points for the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole competition. Also up to scratch was Greg Maskill on 29 and Beryl Gray on 27. Next best for the rundown were Michael McPake, Alan McDonald and Malcolm Young after a countback on 25 points. Check below for the Kevin Allen Consistency competition dates as it starts in coming weeks.


Heather Buchanan was back in form for the stroke event leading division 1 with nett 67 last Monday and also took their putting prize with 27 putts.. Beryl Howe took out division 2 with 69 while Joy Leary was their winner for the putting with 30.


Tully Park juniors return this Saturday for coaching 8.30 to 10am.

Notices: Sunday August 18th is a Stableford followed by the AGM at 1pm. The annual Kevin Allen Consistency Competition commences from Friday September 8 and will run over the following 6 weeks. Prizes include vouchers for $100, $60 and $30 for first, second and third with players best Goulburn Soldiers Club round of the week counting toward the best four week total. Thanks to our volunteers for their efforts with readying the course clubhouse and food for the day. Anyone who can help with the coring on Aug 24 please let us know so we can prepare for the work on the day.

Tully Park Golf 4/8/2019

Sunday Competition

Gross winner of the Foursome Championships for 2019 are Trent Cooper and Josh Cooper with 155 while Ryan Saville and Ryan Wilson partnered well for the nett win on countback after finishing with 145. Round 1 and 2 winners were Trent and Josh Cooper on 66.5 nett and 69.5 nett. Ball rundowns for the rounds went to Anthony Cooper/ Shane Cooper 70.5, Mark Berrisford/ Darryn Davis 71 for round 1 and to Russell Schmitt/ Ned Slater 69.5 and Sam McDonald/ Peter Wheeldon 70 for round 2. Nearest the pins went to Russell Lieschke, Adam Boxsell and Shane Cooper on the Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10, Workers Club and Capital Country Plumbing holes, while the Goulburn Soldiers club hole was not won.


Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

Tony Clewett took top honours for the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole competition last week with 26 points. Ron Nunn held it together well for his 25 while Stephen Rigby, Malcolm Young and Pete Hayhoe and Ned Slater all made 24 in a rundown that went to 23.


Beryl Gray was the best of the ladies last Monday with minus 2 for the Par event. Joy leary was next best on minus 3 while Georgina cook won the nearest the pin for the capital country Plumbing 7th.

Par 3

This Saturday, August 10, is the next monthly Par 3 event with all golfers and non golfers welcome to pay. Cost is $7 per player with tee off from 8am to 12pm.

Notices: Sunday August 11th is a 4 ball aggregate. The AGM is on August 18 and nominations will be taken for committee positions as well as for agenda items until August 11. The annual Kevin Allen Consistency Competition commences from Friday September 8 and will run over the following 6 weeks. Prizes include vouchers for $100, $60 and $30 for first, second and third with players best Goulburn Soldiers Club round of the week counting toward the best four week total. Thanks to our volunteers for their efforts with readying the course clubhouse and food for the day.

Tully Park Golf 28/07/2019

Sunday Competition

Phil Elliott fired a respectable 61 nett to win the A Grade monthly Medal for July and the stroke event on Sunday and the drive and pitch for the Lee and Thomas 13th hole. Eddie Sivell returned a 64 for the C Grade medal and took the nearest the pin on the Goulburn Soldiers Club 14th. Don Grimston’s 68 was good enough for the B Grade. Also in the rundown were Russell Schmitt 66, Graham Tasker and Trent Cooper 67, Ryan Wilson 68 and Alan McDonald 69.


Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

Jeremy Ryan started his first foray in competitions well with a win in the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole competiton. Jeremy scored 28 points to leave him 3 ahead of Tony Clewett and Mark Berrisford on 25. Malcolm Young, Ron Nunn and Ryan Wilson were all consistent with 24 points while Stephe Rigby 23 and Peter Gurr 22 (on Countback) made up the rundown .


Beryl Howe and Beryl Gray took out divisions 1 and 2 respectively with 25 points for their best 9 holes last Monday. Ruth Beveridge was nearest the pin on the Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10 hole and Di Schmitt and Joy Leary made up the rundown with 23 and 22 points.


The Tully Park Junior golfers will take a break until August 17 but can still play in the Par 3 event on August 10.

Notices: Sunday August 4th is the Foursomes Championships with both rounds 1 & 2 played on the day. Early cart bookings are essential and the $30 for the two rounds includes a lunch between rounds. Just a reminder that memberships are now due. The AGM is on August 18 and nominations will be taken for committee positions as well as for agenda items until August 11. Thank you to the volunteers braving the cold recently and completing the work around the course and clubhouse.

Tully Park Golf Club 21/07/2019

Sunday Competition

Russell Schmitt scraped home with a countback win over Phil Elliott in Sunday’s stableford event when both finished on 36 points. Mark Berrisford, Ron Nunn and Alan McDonald all made 35 for the rundown. Chris Elliott was nearest the pin on the 5th hole for the Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10 and Ryan Saville was best for the drive and pitch on the Gordon Hotel 11th. Tony Clewett won the lucky number guessing comp.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

Graham Tasker showed how it is done with 28 points last week for the 12 hole Goulburn Soldiers Club competition. Bunched together on 26 were Josh Cooper, Margaret Gibson and Greg Maskill. Bryson Plumb 25 and Tony Clewett 24 (c/b) made up the rundown.


Joy Leary led the way for the Tully Ladies last Monday in less than desirable weather as she finished with a nett score of 75 and had only 31 putts. Georgina Cook finished close behind on 77 nett.


The Tully Park Junior golfers will take a break until August 17 but can still play in the Par 3 event on August 10.

Notices: Sunday July 28 Stroke Monthly Medal. August 4th is the Foursomes Championships with both rounds 1 & 2 played on the day. Early cart bookings are essential and the $30 for the two rounds includes a lunch between rounds. Just a reminder that memberships are now due. If you missed your renewal notice please contact the club on 48222828. Sunday players are asked to complete a survey form in the clubhouse regarding competitions and championships. The annual AGM is on August 18 and nominations will be taken for committee positions as well as for agenda items for another 2 weeks. Thank you to the volunteers braving the cold recently and completing the work around the course and clubhouse.

Tully park Golf Club 14/7/2019

Sunday Competition

Josh Cooper maintained some good form to finish with a nett 66 on Sunday. Alan Bill kept his game together in the conditions for 68 and Trent Cooper made 69. Tony Clewett 72, Phil Elliott 74 and Don Grimston 76 made up the rundown. Ken Wray took the nearest the pin for the Worker’s Club 8th, while the windy conditions left the Carpet Court 16th with no winner for the drive and pitch.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

Terry Flint took top honours this week with 27 points ahead of a ‘back to form’ Bryan Norris on 24. Alan McDonald, 23, was followed by Ken Wray, Joy Leary and Darrell Spence all on 21. Don Grimston finished the rundown on 20 on countback.


Georgina Cook led the way with 32 points in the stableford event last Monday. Joy Leary and Beryl Howe both made 27 while heather Buchanan won the nearest the pin for the Goulburn Soldiers Club 14th hole.

Par 3

‘Only fools and horses’ was a popular phrase at the July Par 3 during the icy and windy conditions as Ned Slater came out on top with nett 25. Beryl Gray on 26 also tamed the conditions well.


The Tully Park Junior golfers will take a break until August 17 but can still play in the Par 3 events on July 13 and August 10.

Notices: Sunday July 21 Stableford. August 4th is the Foursomes Championships with both rounds 1 & 2 played on the day. Early cart bookings are essential and the $30 for the two rounds includes a lunch between rounds. Just a reminder that memberships are now due. If you missed your renewal notice please contact the club on 48222828. Sunday players are asked to complete a survey form in the clubhouse regarding competitions and championships. The annual AGM is on August 18 and nominations will be taken for committee positions as well as for agenda items.

Tully Park Golf Club 7/7/2019

Sunday Competition

Ryan Saville and Ryan Wilson made a formidable 4 ball best ball team on Sunday as they secured 48 points for the win. Next best were Tony Clewett and Tom James on 46 followed by Josh Cooper and Anthony Cooper on 45. Nearest the pin on the Captial Country Plumbing 7th was Eddie Sivell while Ryan Saville won Aaron’s trees drive and pitch on the 12th.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

Alan Bill backed up his recent good performances with a win in the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole competition with 26 points last week. Tony Clewett and Ryan Saville both finished on 24 while the rundown included Russell Schmitt, Graham Tasker and Ron Nunn all on 23.


New to the ladies competitions Julia Skamperle won the stroke event and monthly medal for July with a nett 69 as well as the putting competition with 30. Georgina Cook 72 and Beryl Gray 76 featured in the rundown.

Par 3

This Saturday July 13 is the Par 3 event for July. Tee off from 8am to 12 pm with a cost of only $7 per player this is a great way for new players to try their hand at golf.


The Tully Park Junior golfers will take a break until August 17 but can still play in the Par 3 events on July 13 and August 10.

Notices: Sunday July14 Stroke. August 4th is the Foursomes Championships with both rounds 1 & 2 played on the day. Early cart bookings are essential and the $30for the two rounds includes a sausage sizzle between rounds. Just a reminder that memberships are now due. If you missed your renewal notice please contact the club on 48222828. Sunday players are asked to complete a survey form in the clubhouse regarding competitions and championships. The annual AGM is on August 18 and nominations will be taken for committee positions as well as for agenda items.

Tully Park Golf Club 30/6/19

Sunday Competition

Ken Wray took the stroke event, the nearest the pin on the Goulburn Soldiers club 14th and the B Grade Monthly Medal on Sunday in quite cool conditions. Chris Ryan earned the A Grade on countback for his 70 and Alan Bill won the C Grade on nett 68. Russell Schmitt 70, Peter Wheeldon 70, Russell Lieschke 71, Phil Elliott 72 and Eddie Hawkins 73 on countback made up the rundown.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

Michael McPake took top honours last week for the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole competition with 25 points holding Greg Maskill at bay on 24. Alan McDonald made 23 followed by Ned salter, and Ron Nunn on 21 on countback.  


Sharon Scott led the way last week with 31 points with Georgina Cook close behind on 30. Joy Leary and Beryl Gray tied for the nearest the pin on the Priceline Pharmacy 2nd.


The Tully Park Junior golfers will take a break until August 17 but can still play in the Par 3 events on July 13 and August 10.

Notices: Sunday July Stableford 4 BBB. Just a reminder that memberships are now due. If you missed your renewal notice please contact the club on 48222828. Sunday players are asked to complete a survey form in the clubhouse regarding competitions and championships.

Tully Park Golf Club 23/6/19

Sunday Competition

Ian Peterson played best in the cooler conditions scoring 38 points in the stableford event on Sunday. Ryan Saville, Josh Cooper, and Darrell Spence all made 37. Ken Wray scored 36, Don Grimston made 35 and won the nearest the Pin on the Goulburn Produce and Rural Supplies 5th. Graham tasker made up the rundown on 35 after a countback. Trent Cooper won the drive and pitch on the Millenium Windows 1st. Sam McDonald won the Mystery Holes for June with 8 points after a countback on the Merino Fuels 3rd, Goulburn Soldiers club 9th and Chemdry 10th holes.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

Ryan Wilson has finally broken through to win his first Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole competition with a well deserved 32 points. In his wake were Eddie Hawkins and John Peterson both on 25 then Malcolm Young 24 and Mark Berrisford, Kerry Bensley, Tony Clewett and Ryan Saville all on 23 for the rundown.


Di Schmitt won the stroke event last week with nett 74 while Joy Leary had 29 putts to win the putting competition.


Good luck to Rheannah Webb as she competes in the schools event at Yamba this week.

The Tully Park Junior golfers will take a break until August 17 but can still play in the Par 3 events on July 13 and August 10.

Notices: Sunday June 30 Stroke Monthly Medal. Just a reminder that memberships are now due. If you missed your renewal notice please contact the club on 48222828.

Tully Park Golf Club 16/6/19

Sunday Competition

Setting the pace on Sunday morning were the team of Alan Bill and Di Schmitt as they finished with a nett round of 60 in the Canadian Foursomes. Four off the pace were Ryan Saville and Ryan Wilson on 64 followed by Darryn Davis and Ray Turner 65 who both managed to win the nearest the pins for the day on the Workers Club 8th and Goulburn Soldiers Club 14th respectively. Alan McDonald and Ron Nunn finished the rundown with 66.5.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

Back to back wins for Bryan Norris as his 29 point round left him 2 ahead of his nearest rival Darrell Spence on 27. Anthony Cooper, Russell Schmitt and Bryson Plumb all made 26 followed by Greg Maskill and Tony Clewett both on 24.


Sharon Scott won the stableford event last week with 31 points with Georgina Cook not far behind on 30. Beryl Gray won the nearest the pin on the Capital Country Plumbing 7th.

Notices: Sunday June 23 Stableford. Just a reminder that memberships are now due. If you missed your renewal notice please contact the club on 48222828.

Tully Park Golf Club 9/6/2019

Sunday Competition

Ray Turner finished top of the pile on Sunday in the stableford event with 39 points, ahead of Don Grimston and Russell Schmitt both on 37. Visitor Adam Bruckhaw, Tom Heath, John Smith and Phil Elliott all made 35 and Mark Berrisford and Eddie Hawkins both finished on 34 for the rundown. Nearest the pin on the Capital country Plumbing 7th went to Rob Kelly and Chris Elliott won the drive and pitch on the Lee and Thomas 13th.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole Comp

Bryan Norris took out the voucher last week for his 25 point round with the competition close behind. Kevin Breen 24, John Smith and Malcolm Young 23, Garry Handley 22 and Bryson Plumb taking the final ball in the rundown after a 6 card countback on 21.


Georgina Cook won the monthly medal for May and won the stroke event with a nett round of 75. Joy Leary won the putting on 29 and the rundown went to 81 nett.  

Multiquip Par 3

Elsey Slater pipped brother Ned on countback on 27 for the Par 3 for June to take out the junior section of the event. Ron Nunn was the best of the adults on the day on 28.

Notices: Sunday June 16 Canadian Foursomes. Just a reminder that memberships are now due. If you missed your renewal notice please contact the club on 48222828. Thank you to the volunteers who assisted with the tree branch removals across the course following last weeks snow drop, and to those who helped out on Saturday with the greens and bunkers in the chilly weather, and the clubhouse and gardens.