Category Archives: Tully Park Golf News

Tully Park News 30-08-2015

Gordon Hotel Sunday Competition

This week the Gordon Hotel Competition was the Monthly Medal stroke and was taken out by Tim James with a nett 65 to also win B Grade. Trent Cooper 69 and Tony Clewett 66 won A and C Grade respectively. The ball rundown also saw Chis Elliott 67, Ken Wray 68 and Don Grimston 69 grab a ball. Nearest to the pin on the Goulburn Produce 5th went to Trent Cooper the Goulburn Farm Machinery 7th went to Tony Clewett and on the Goulburn Workers Club 8th Trent Cooper showed he is all class knocking it the closest. Next week the Gordon Hotel Sunday comp is Stableford competition.

Goulburn Soldiers Club Mid Week Competition

This week the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole stabelford competition was taken out by Judy Moran with 27 points. Margret Gibson 24 and Russ Schmitt 22 rounded out the ball run down. Helen Carn also picked up a ball for her efforts with 9 points. Come down during the week for a hit the comp only costs $7.

Tully Park News 23-08-2015

Gordon Hotel Sunday Competition

This week the Gordon Hotel Competition was a 4 person ambrose with Josh Cooper, Anthony Cooper, Brian Norris and Shane “Big Dog” Jervis taking home the win with 52 1/8. Craig Langby, Royce Dockett, John McMath and Shaun Haynes won the social division with 52. The ball run down saw Shane Cooper, Tracey Cooper, Trent Cooper, Hayley Cooper, Kevin Peterson, Ian Peterson, John Duncan and Ross Stacey all grabed a ball. Nearest to the pin on the Goulburn Produce 5th went to Tom Heath the Goulburn Farm Machinery 7th went to Tim James and the Goulburn Workers Club 8th was Craig Langby. Next Sunday is the Monthly Medal Stroke Competition. Just a reminder that memberships are due by the end of the month.

Thanks to all the volunteers that helped out during the week to get the greens cored they should be in great condition coming into summer.


Goulburn Soldiers Club Mid Week Competition

This week the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole stabelford competition was taken out by Judy Moran with 27 points. Margret Gibson 24 and Russ Schmitt 22 all collected a ball for their efforts. Helen Carne also picked up a ball for her efforts with 9 points. Come down during the week for a hit the comp only costs $7.

Tully Park News 16-08-2015

Gordon Hotel Sunday Competition

This week the Gordon Hotel Competition was a Stableford competition taken out by Trent Cooper with 41 points. The ball rundown saw Don Grimston 39, Phil Elliott 39, Darrell Spence 37, Chris Webb 37 and Tony Clewett 36 all grab a ball. Nearest to the pin on the Goulburn Produce 5th went to Trent Cooper the Goulburn Farm Machinery 7th went to Ian Peterson and on the Goulburn Workers Club 8th Phil Elliott showed he is all class knocking it the closest.


Goulburn Soldiers Club Mid Week Competition

This week the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole stabelford competition was taken out by Tony Clewett with 28 points. Joy Leary 27, Adam Boxsell 25, John Peterson 24, and Royce Dockett 23 all picked up balls in the run down. Come down during the week for a hit the comp only costs $7.

Tully Park News 9-08-2015

Gordon Hotel Sunday Competition

This weekend the Gordon Hotel Competition was the Foresomes Championships. Russ Schmitt and Ken Wray ended up tied with Chris Elliott and Gary Spence with 167, this means the boys are headed to a playoff to determine the champions for this year, results will be posted when they determine a winner.  Nearest to the pins on Sunday were as follows the Goulburn Produce 5th went to Bryan Norris and the Goulburn Workers Club 8th went to Adam Boxsell. Next weekend the competition is a Stableford followed by the AGM.



Goulburn Soldiers Club Mid Week Competition

This week the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole stabelford competition was taken out by Beryl Gray with 25 points. Simon Jiang 23 and Don Pennay 22 all picked up balls in the run down. Come down during the week for a hit the comp only costs $7.

Tully Park News 2-08-2015

Gordon Hotel Sunday Competition

This week the Gordon Hotel Competition was a Stableford competition taken out by Roy McNair with 43 points. The ball rundown saw Ken Wray 40, Russ Schmitt 40, Mick Harris 37, Don Grimston 35 and Eddie Sivell 33 all grab a ball. Nearest to the pin on the Goulburn Produce 5th went to Russ Schmitt and the Goulburn Workers Club 8th went to Eddie Sivell. Next weekend the Foresomes Championships will be held over 2 rounds on Saturday and Sunday.

Sunday the 9th will be the last day available to nominate for the new committee.


Goulburn Soldiers Club Mid Week Competition

This week the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole stabelford competition was taken out by Michael Hyland with 28 points. Tony Clewett 24, John Peterson 24, Simon Jiang, Darrell Spence 22 and Beryl Gray 22 all picked up balls in the run down. Come down during the week for a hit the comp only costs $7.


Par 3 Competition

The 9 hole par 3 competition is growing in popularity with a good turn out this month with everyone having a good time with some great results to show for it. Mick Gray took home the marbles with 23 nett. Tiahni Wild won the junior division with a nett 30. Our next par 3 competition will be the first Saturday of September.

Tully Park News 26-07-2015

Gordon Hotel Sunday Competition

This week the Gordon Hotel Competition was the Monthly Medal stroke and was taken out by Ken Wray with a nett 64 to also win B Grade. Marty Hunter 65 and Josh Cooper 68 won A and C Grade respectively. The ball rundown also saw Gary Spence 70, Darrell Spence 70 and Shane Cooper 71 grab a ball. Nearest to the pin on the Goulburn Produce 5th went to Marty Hunter the Goulburn Farm Machinery 7th went to Josh Cooper and on the Goulburn Workers Club 8th John Smith showed he is all class knocking it the closest. Next week the Gordon Hotel Sunday comp is Stableford competition.

On Saturday Tully Park Golf Club will hold a 9 hole par 3 competition. Social players are welcome its great for anyone who wants to a quick round with plenty of fun to be had. Tee times are between 9am and 3pm. A reminder that the Foresomes Championships will be held on the 8th and 9th of August so grab a partner and get in on the fun.

The club will be holding its AGM on the 16th of August after the comp at approximately 1pm if you have any items you would like put on the agenda speak to a committee member.



Goulburn Soldiers Club Mid Week Competition

This week the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole stabelford competition was taken out by Don Grimston with 26 points. Tony Clewett 24, John Smith 23, Beryl Gray 23 and Kevin Peterson 22 rounded out the ball run down. Margret Gibson also picked up a ball for her efforts with 10 points. Come down during the week for a hit the comp only costs $7.

Tully Park News 19-07-2015

Gordon Hotel Sunday Competition

This week the Gordon Hotel Competition was a 2 Person Ambrose taken out by Adam Boxsell and Tracker Tahana with 57 3/4 on a count back over Shane and Trent Cooper. Ian and Kevin Peterson 60 1/4, Roy McNair and Mick Gray 62 1/4 and Eddie Sivell and Ray Turner 64 1/2 all grabed a ball for their exploits. Nearest to the pin on the 5th went to Mick Gray the newly and on the Gouburn Soldiers Club 14th Gary Spence knocked it the closest. This week was the third and final round of our Pairs Championship with Josh and Anthony Cooper claiming the title with 11 under to edge out Don Grimston and Ken Wray 9.5 under and Shane and Trent Cooper who made a solid charge but came up just short with 9.25 under.

Next week the Gordon Hotel Sunday comp is the Monthly Medal stroke competition.


Goulburn Soldiers Club Mid Week Competition

This week the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole stabelford competition was taken out by Darrell Spence with 25 points which considering the weather conditions is a great effort. Don Grimston 24, Tony Clewett 23 and Simon Jiang 21 all picked up balls in the run down. Margret Gibson grabbed a ball with 10 points. Come down during the week for a hit the comp only costs $7.

Kevin Allen Midweek Consistency Competition

Kevin Allen Midweek Consistency Competition commences the week starting August 29 and concludes Friday Oct 9.
Each players best round per week will count towards the event with the best four weeks out of the six being totalled for the overall score. Cost $7 per round.
Prizes    First: $100 voucher
Second $60 voucher
Third $30 voucher

Tully Park News 13-07-2015

Gordon Hotel Sunday Competition

This week the Gordon Hotel Competition was a Foresomes competition taken out by Ken Wray and Don Grimston with 69. Russell Lieschke and Eddie Hawkins 69 1/2, Gary Spence and Phil Elliott 70 1/2 and Bryan Norris and Shane Jervis 72 all grabed a ball for their exploits. Nearest to the pin on the 5th went to Trent Cooper the newly sponsored Goulburn Farm Machinery 7th went to Gary Spence and the Goulburn Workers Club 8th went to Marty Hunter. This week was the second round of our Pairs Championship with Josh and Anthony Cooper tied for the lead with Don Grimston and Ken Wray.

Next week the Gordon Hotel Sunday comp is a 2 Person Ambrose in conjunction with the third and final round of the Pairs Championship. There will be a social division for the ambrose event.


Goulburn Soldiers Club Mid Week Competition

This week the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole stabelford competition was taken out by Joy Leary with a barnstorming 30 points. Trent Cooper 28, Don Grimston 26, Eddie Hawkins 25 and Russ Schmitt 25 all picked up balls in the run down. Helen Carne grabbed a ball with 8 points. Come down during the week for a hit the comp only costs $7.

Tully Park News 5-07-2015

Gordon Hotel Sunday Competition

This week the Gordon Hotel Competition was a Stableford competition taken out by Tim James with 42 points on a count back over Josh Cooper. The ball rundown saw Ray Turner 39, Russell Lieschke 38, Russell Schmitt 37, Ken Wray 36 and Shane Cooper 36 all grab a ball. Nearest to the pin on the Tully Park 7th went to Eddie Sivell and the Goulburn Workers Club 8th was Brian Norris. This week was the first round of our Pairs Championship with the Stableford competition doubling as a 4BBB. The results saw Josh and Anthony Cooper take a 2 stroke lead over Ray Turner and Eddie Sivell going into the second round.

Next week the Gordon Hotel Sunday comp is a Foursomes in conjunction with the second round of the Pairs Championship.


Goulburn Soldiers Club Mid Week Competition

This week the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole stabelford competition was taken out by Eddie Hawkins with a blistering 29 points. Marty Hunter 26, Darrell Spence 25, Kevin Peterson 25, Russ Schmitt 25 and Kerry Bensley 23 all picked up balls in the run down. Helen Carne grabbed a ball with 7 points. Come down during the week for a hit the comp only costs $7.


Par 3 Competition

The 9 hole par 3 competition is growing in popularity with a good turn out this month with everyone having a good time with some great results to show for it. Ian Peterson destroyed the field with nett 19. Reed Rowsell won the junior division with a nett 27. Our next par 3 competition will be the first Saturday of August.