Author Archives: EarlyBirds

Tully Park Golf 2/7/17

Sunday Competition

Eddie Hawkins and Russell Lieschke teamed up to take out the 2 Person Ambrose on Sunday with a nett score of 57.75. Shane and Trent Cooper were close behind on 60 in the frosty conditions. Don Grimston won the nearest the pin for the Goulburn Soldiers Club 14th hole with the RSM 7th not won.

The overall results for the Pairs Event saw Trent and Shane Cooper take out the $100 voucher each with -17. Next best for the three round competition were Russell Lieschke and Eddie Hawkins  on -11.25.

Goulburn Soldiers 12 Hole Compettion

Berryl Gray topped the field with her 26 points after a countback over Russell Schmitt. John Peterson kept close behind on 25 and Di Schmitt and Joy Leary both finished on 24 with the rundown to 23.

Notices: Par three event this Saturday July 8th, tee between 8am and 3pm, juniors who need someone to mark their card are asked to come for 2pm. Sunday July 9 4BBB stableford. Pennants players for 2018 are asked to put their names on the sheet in the clubhouse. Thank you to the Anderson family for their generous donation of balls for the juniors.

Tully Park Golf 25/6/17

Most Valuable Player

Congratulations to Rheannah Webb, awarded the MVP trophy for the Tully Park / Gold Creek junior pennants team on Saturday night for her 7 wins from 8 matches in the ACT -Monaro competition that helped the team to the semi-finals in March.









June Stroke monthly Medal

Eddie Sivell stormed home with a nett 66 to take the honours for the Stroke event on Sunday and won the C grade title for June. Russell Lieschke won the A grade on countback for his 68 and Ken Wray took the B Grade with 69. Trent Cooper and Tom Heath featured in the rundown for their 68 and 69. Nearest the pin for the Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10 hole was Tom Heath while Ron Nunn was best on the RSM 7th. The Workers Club 8th was not won. Thanks to D Grimston for his trophy donation.

Notices: 2 Person Ambrose Sunday July 2 (round 3 of the pairs event). Memberships are now due for the 2017/18 year. The bunker on the 3rd/4th that has been GUR should be operational for next weekend – check the board for details. Anyone who can help with the concreting of the pump ramp on Sat please come out for 9am.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole competition

Chris Ryan made it back to back wins with 31 points last week. Tony Clewett 26 Ron Nunn 26 and Joy Leary and Berryl Gray, both on 23, made up the rundown. Thanks to the Goulburn Soldiers Club for their continued sponsorship of this great competition.

Tully Park Golf 18/6/17

4 Ball Par Qualifier

The Keno 4 Ball Par Qualifier saw some excellent results to fight for the 2 representative positions available but it was the tried and true team of Trent and Shane Cooper that blew the field away with +13 to show sometimes a good team beats better players. The Tahana/ Boxsell team also proved their worth coming in with a highly respectable +11 pushing Phil Elliott and Gary Spence into third place with their +11. Ken Wray took the honours for the nearest the pin on the 5th hole for Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10, Chris Elliott won the RSM 7th and Trent Cooper showed how he scored so well with the Workers Club 8th hole. Thanks to B Mills for the trophy for the day.

Notices: June 25 Stroke Monthly Medal. July 2nd is the final round of the Pairs event the 2 person Ambrose. With the AGM only 2 months away nominations for agenda items and committee nominations are now being taken with the final date for agenda items July 30. Memberships are also now due for the 2017-18 year. Thanks to all of the volunteers helping around the course and clubhouse. Anyone who can donate Sunday trophies or assist with the working bee, for the pump ramp concreting, on July 1 at 9am please let us know.

Goulburn Soldiers 12 hole Competition

Chris Ryan made his mark last week with his first individual win in a Tully competition. Chris scored 25 points to pull the rug out from Tom Heath and Russell Schmitt who both finished with 23 in a rundown to 21. With the 12 hole comp available to play all week it is a great event for men, ladies and juniors to test their skills, have a hit  and support the club.

Tully Park Golf 11/6/17

Sunday Competition

Don Grimston showed that nothing beats experience as he reminded everyone how well he knows the course on his way to a 40 point round. Jim Last was second placed with 37 closely followed by Chris Elliott and Phil Elliott both on 36. Chris capped off a good day with the Mystery Holes prize after a countback for his 8 points (Goulburn prostate Support Group 4th, Workers Club 8th and Professionals Real Estate 15th)  and taking out the Lucky Number raffle as well. Nearest the pins went to Mick Harris (5th – Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10), Ken Wray (RSM 7th) and Russell Schmitt (Workers Club 8th).

Notices: June 18 Par Event and Qualifier 4Ball event (cost to enter the qualifier is $15 each). Players for 2018 pennants need to put their names down in the clubhouse. Sunday trophy donors are needed. Thanks to the volunteers for their maintenance of the course and clubhouse. A reminder that the AGM is on August 20 so agenda items and nominations for the next committee are now being taken.

Goulburn Soldiers 12 Hole Comp

Bryson Plumb took the honours last week with 24 points pushing Don Grimston into second place for his 23. John Peterson made 21, Joy Leary 21 and Brian Larkin 20 to make up the rundown for a wet week.

2 Person Ambrose

The public holiday Monday put on great weather for the 2 Person Ambrose with 21 teams taking part. Ron Wenban and Pat Smith were the mens winners on 56.25 with the rundown to 65.25. Mal and Martel Maher took the mixed honours with 69.75 with the rundown to 73.25 and the social division saw Isaac Walker and Russell Schmitt team up for 64.25 with the rundown to 68. R Wenban was the lucky number winner for the day. Nearest the pins went to J Slater (social 5th), Tahana (mens 7th), R Schmitt (mens 5th).

Tully Park Golf 4/6/17

Sunday Competition

Russell Lieschke and Eddie Hawkins teamed up to take out the 4 Ball stableford aggregate on Sunday with 77 points. Shane and Trent Cooper came in next best close behind on 76 followed by Tony Clewett and John Smith on 73.This was also round 2 of the pairs event and leaves Trent and Shane with a formidable lead with only the Ambrose to round to go on July 2. Ray Turner played the tee on the 5th hole (Goulburn Produce and Mite 10) closest to the mark, with Shane Cooper best on the RSM 7th and Ken Wray taking the Workers Club 8th.

Notices: Sunday June 11 Stableford. Long weekend Monday June 12 is a 2 Person Ambrose – be at Tully with social or handicap teams by 8.30 for tee off at 9am. Working bee for June 24 has been postponed until July 2 (sorry).

Goulburn Soldiers 12 hole competition

Kevin Breen scored 24 points to secure his $25 voucher last week hotly contested by Eddie Hawkins 23, Chris Webb, Brian Larkin and John Peterson all on 22, and Margaret Gibson on 21 (c/b).

Par 3

The June Par 3 event saw Ned Slater take out the junior section with a nett 25 while newcomer Max Sakiasi returned nett 20 to win the adult division in his first outing for the comp. The next one will be on July 8.


Tully Park Golf 28/5/17

Long Weekend Monday June 12 

Prepare for a 2 Person ambrose with Handicap and Social divisions. Be at Tully by 8.30 for a 9am shotgun start and BBQ lunch afterwards. All social and competition golfers welcome.

Sunday Competition

Chris Toole took out the A Grade honours for the May Stroke Monthly Medal event after a countback win over Ken Wray, who took out the B Grade,  when both finished on nett 66. Don Grimston was the C Grade winner on 68. Included in the rundown were Russ Schmitt 67 and Chris and Phil Elliott on 68 and 69 respectively. Adam Boxsell hit the mark with two nearest the pins on the 5th and 7th (Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10, and RSM) while Chris Toole was best on the Workers Club 8th. Thanks to Tom Heath for his trophy donation for the day and a reminder to anyone who can provide a $30 voucher for the Sunday comps it would be appreciated.

Notices: Sunday June 4 4 Ball Stableford Aggregate and Round 2 of the Pairs event. Saturday June 3 is the monthly Par 3 for all new and experienced golfers to sharpen their game. Tee off from 8am to 3pm for the 9 holes for only $7 each and children are welcome to play in their own division.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole  Comp

Tom Heath had a countback win over Ron Nunn for the midweek $25 voucher from  the Goulburn Soldiers Club in a tight field that saw John Smith and Tony Clewett both on 24 and Russ Schmitt and Greg Maskill both on 23.

Tully Park Golf 21/5/17

Minor Championships

The final round of the minor championships saw nett wins to Di Schmitt (Ladies 46  2/3), Trent Cooper (A Grade 48), Adam Boxsell (B Grade 44) and Don Grimston (C Grade 40  1/3). Overall gross winners were A grade Trent Cooper 145, B Grade Josh Cooper 161, C Grade Don Grimston 176 and Ladies Heather Buchanan 179. Nett winners were Ray Turner ( A- 129 1/3), Shane Cooper (B- 130 1/3), Anthony Cooper (C – 134 1/3), Di Schmitt (Ladies 145 2/3). Congratulations to all of the round and overall winners.

Sunday Competition

The first round of the pairs competition was the Foursomes event with the team of Trent and Shane Cooper leading the way with a nett 63 (-5 points). Gary Spence and Ray Turner sit in second place for their 67 (-1 point) and Don Grimston and Ken Wray are in third with 68.5 (+0.5 points). Nearest the pins for the day went to Ray Turner on the Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10 hole, and Gary Spence on the Workers Club 8th. The RSM hole was not won.

Notices: Sunday May 28 Stroke monthly Medal. Round 2 of the pairs event is June 4 (stableford aggregate). Thanks to Southern Garages, John Dean (Builder) and Troy Charles (concreting) for their help with making the new cart shed a reality.

2 Person Ambrose

Monday June 12  (the June long weekend) a 2 person ambrose with shotgun start and BBQ is on at Tully. All golfers and social players are welcome to play. Be there by 8.30am so we can organise the teams. Cost $15/player.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 Hole competition

Don Grimston won on countback with 26 points last week capping off a good golfing week for him. Brian Larkin also scored 26 as did Joy Leary. Welcome returns to the rundown after long absences were  Judy Moran and Berryl Gray as both scored 25. Gary Spence took the final ball on 23.

Tully Park Golf 14/5/17

Sunday Competition

A countback for 61 nett doesn’t happen often at Tully but that was the case on Sunday as Trent Cooper and John Smith both used the round to complete their third and final rounds for the minor Championships. Tony Clewett also climbed the leader board with his 64 as did Eddie Hawkins on 65.

Jim Last was nearest the pin for the Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10 hol, Don Grimston was closest for then RSM 7th and Adam Boxsell took the Worker’s Club 8th. Thanks to G Spence for his trophy donations for the day.

Notices: Sunday May 21 Foursomes and the first round of the $200 winning team pairs event. A reminder to those who can help with the concreting for the pump ramp we need your help on June 24 at 9am. Thanks to our marvelous volunteers for their help around the course and clubhouse and especially getting the bunkers attended to. Anyone who can donate trophies for the Sunday competition it would be greatly appreciated.

Par 3

Eighteen starters for the May Par 3 event saw newcomer junior Kye Brown blitz the field and lose a few shots after his first junior win, while Janelle Slater took out the adult division and has been similarly seen to in then handicap arena.

Goulburn Soldiers 12 hole comp

John Peterson put his best game to the front last week to rack up 30 points for his first win for a while. Tony Clewett was left lamenting on another good score of 28 ahead of Russ Schmitt, Adam Boxsell, and Don Grimston on 26 for the rundown that went to 25 on countback.

Minor Championships

With the final round of the championships underway this week the fields have their work to catch the leaders. Second round nett winners were Gary Spence for the A Grade, Adam Boxsell the B Grade, and Tony Clewett for the C grade, while Di Schmitt took out the ladies division. The minors finish up this Friday with all results in the window from 12pm.

Tully Park Golf 07/05/17

Sunday Competition

Ken Wray scraped home on a countback with his 39 points in Sunday’s stableford event just edging out Gary Spence. Trent Cooper continued his good recent form with 38 points and Bryan Norris had 37 to make up the rundown. Ray Turner scored a voucher as the Mystery Holes winner with 7 points on countback on the Millenium Windows 1st, Goulburn Produce 5th and Bioclean 10th holes. Nearest the pins went to Col Eggins on the 5th (Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10), Gary Spence (RSM 7th), and Marty Weise (Goulburn Workers 8th). Thanks to P Elliott for his trophy donation.

Goulburn Soldiers 12 hole Competition

Trent Cooper left others in his wake with 28 points last week ahead of Bryson Plumb and Kerry Bensley both on 27 , Josh Cooper 26, Don Pennay and Brian Larkin both on 25. The 12 hole comp is off the Blue markers for all players for 2 more weeks (until May 19th) of the minor championships with the cost for those playing in the minors $15 each week and for those only playing the usual 12 holes the normal $7. Good Luck to all players.

Minor Championships

The minor championships have started off well for the Cooper family with Trent leading the A Grade, Shane the B grade and Anthony the C grade after the first round. Heather Buchanan leads the ladies division with 2 rounds to go. All results are posted in the clubhouse window with many players within catching distance of the leaders.

Notices: Congratulations to Rheannah Webb on her nett win in the schools event of the Jack Newton sponsored Schools Competition for the y9 division. This Saturday is the May Par 3 event with tee off from 8am and all golfers and hackers welcome to play. Juniors can come out for 2pm to play if their do not have a parent to accompany them. Trophy donors for the Sunday competition  are still required, anyone who can help out please see Russell or Joy. June 24 will be a working bee to concrete the ramp for the water pump for the course. About 10 people who can offer their services for the morning it will be appreciated and names can be listed in the clubhouse.

Thank you to ARW Multigroup, John Dean and Troy Charles for their assistance with the new shed construction.

Tully Park Golf 30/04/17

Sunday Competition

Shane Cooper won the Stroke event on Sunday with a nett 63 after a countback with Col Eggins.  Anthony Cooper was next best on 65 followed by Trent Cooper and Russell Lieschke both on 66. Col won the A Grade monthly Medal for April with Phil Elliott taking the B Grade honours on 67 and Eddie Hawkins the C Grade on 68. Gary Spence won the nearest the pin for the 5th hole (Goulburn Produce and Mitre 10), Don Grimston the RSM 7th and Tim James the Workers Club 8th. Tony Clewett donated the days trophy.

Goulburn Soldiers 12 hole Competition

Josh Cooper’s 26 points last week saw him  win in a 4 way countback over Russ Schmitt, Greg Maskill and Ron Nunn. Di Schmitt 24 and Don Grimston 23 made up the rundown. Players are reminded to play off the Blue (men) and Red (Ladies) markers for this competition until the minor championships are over on Friday may 19.


Jack Beard won the junior stableford event on Saturday with 17 points. Good Luck to Rheannah Webb playing in the Jack Newton Schools event this week at Forster. Juniors are on 3pm on Saturdays from this week with the new program on the website.

Notices: The first round of the minor championships is underway with round 2 commencing from Friday 12pm. $30 vouchers for the Sunday prizes are needed so if anyone can provide some please see Russell or Joy. Thank you to all of the volunteers who assisted preparing the food and course for the vets day last week. The work was a valuable contribution to the club and helped make the day a success.   The Pairs event for 2017 kicks off in a couple of weeks so check for the notices. Monday June 12 sees a 2 Person ambrose with 9am tee off for all social and Golflink handicapped players. Get a team together for the competition.