Author Archives: EarlyBirds

Tully Park Results 1/1/2023

Sunday Competition 1st January 2023

The first competition for the year saw 17 starters compete in a single stableford competition. The win being awarded to the best score for their best 9 holes.

Don Grimston took out the prize with 26 points. The ball run down went to Ian Baxter on 25 points and Ron Nunn and Lindsay Sergeant on 24 points.

The Jackpot hole winner was Ian Baxter on the Alan Bill Electrical 7th. Nearest the Pin winner was Russ Lieschke on the Goulburn Soldiers 14th hole. The drive and Pitch was won by Gary Spence on the D.One Accounting 11th hole.


Next week is the December Monthly Medal Round.


Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole mid-week competition 29th December.

Another big field of 46 players this week. The ladies dominated this week coming in the first three places with Fran Miners taking the competition out with a strong 32 points. Ball run down was as follows: 30 points –  Jenni Price, Di Schmitt, 28 – points Greg Maksill, 27 points – Jon Gegg, Russ Lieschke, Brian Larkin, Roly Wong, 26 points – Maxin McLAughlin, Rantna Rankmore, Tom Minney, Andrew Balabka, Max Sakiasi, and on a 7 card countback on 25 points Andrew Finlaison and Don Grimston.


Happy And Safe New Year.

Tully Park Golf Club Mid Week results

Sunday Competition

No Sunday Competition. Merry Christmas


Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole 22nd  and 29th December.


A huge field of 58 players contested this weeks competition. Ratna Ranknore took out the top prize with 30 points. There were 20 players in the ball run down which went down to 25 points. Well done to Phil Heath for consistency who played twice and won a ball both times.



Another big field of 46 players this week. The ladies dominated this week coming in the first three places with Fran Miners taking the competition out with a strong 32 points. Ball run down was as follows: 30 points –  Jenni Price, Di Schmitt, 28 – points Greg Maksill, 27 points – Jon Gegg, Russ Lieschke, Brian Larkin, Roly Wong, 26 points – Maxin McLAughlin, Rantna Rankmore, Tom Minney, Andrew Balabka, Max Sakiasi, and on a 7 card countback on 25 points Andrew Finlaison and Don Grimston.

Happy And Safe New Year.

18th December 2022

Sunday Competition

27 Starters contested Sunday’s stableford competition. Don Grimston was the winner with an outstanding 44 points.  He is always very happy to shoot a score lower than his age. Runner Up was Eddie Sivell on a 2 card countback on 38 points. The ball run down was as follows: G. Handley 38 points, then on 37 points – Mick Gray, D. Spence, R. Turner, C. Ryan, T. Clewett and A. Balabka

Nearest the pin on the 5th was won by Don Grimston. The Drive and Pitch on the 13th was won by Mac Fife. The Jackpot 2nd hole was won by Wayne Minney who collected a tidy little sum. The mystery holes winner was Andrew Balabka with 9 points for the combined BC Training 6th, BioCleanse 10th and Argyle Cleaning 17th.


Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole

A field of 40 players contested this week’s competition. Beryl Gray had an outstanding round taking out the competition with 31 points. The ball run down finished up as follows: On 28 points – K.Breen, W. Pull, D. Spence;  25 points – M. McDonald, G.Handley, S.Rigby, M. McLaughlin; 25 points – R. Wong, G. Maksill, R.Sheely, W. Minney, B. Larkin, T. McLAughlin, I Baxter.  Well done everyone.


No Sunday competition next week due to Santa’s arrival.


On Behalf of the Committee, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Tully park Golf 11/12/2022

Bi Rite Xmas guessing competition

Winner T McLaughlin, 2nd J Bruscella, 3rd J Price

Thanks to Bi-Rite for their support in this event.

Sunday Competition

The Gala Day 4 person Ambrose was won by Brett Buckley, Liam Harmer, Anthony Rudd and Chris Spillane with nett 50.88. Second place of the 13 teams were T James, G Maskill, C Webb and M Fife 52.5. The rundown had the teams of T Heath/ C Ryan/ J Smith/ R Turner 52.75, I Baxter/ M Sakiasi/ R Wong/ T McLaughlin 54, G Spence/ R Lieschke/ E Hawkins/ J Blair 54.5, W Blay/P Heath/ J Hearne/ D Hearne 54.63 and T Cooper/ M Regterschot/ J Cooper/ J Gegg 54.63.

Nearest the pins were won by M McLaughlin for the ladies on the Alan Bill Electrical hole, the Mitre 10 hole eluded them. G Maskill won the Workers Club 8th and M Regterschot the Goulburn Soldiers Club 14th. The jackpot for the Argyle Cleaning hole was carried over.


Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole

Tom Minney is finishing up the year well with another win in the 12 hole comp with 29 points. On 27 were Mick McDonald, Andrew Balabka and Stephen Rigby, while Eddie Anning, Malcolm Young Brian Larkin and Don Pennay each had 26.  The rundown for the week went to 24 in a 5 card countback.

Brett Buckley had an eagle on the Biocleanse 10th.

Many Thanks to Luke and the volunteers for getting their work on the course and the volunteers at the clubhouse for their efforts. All of your work has helped Tully finish in a great place for 2022.

Tully Park Results 4/12/2022

Sunday Competition 

A field of 20 players contested the Captains vs Presidents 4BBB competition.

The competition was taken out by Ray Turner and John Smith on 45 points.

The ball run down went to Max Sakiasi and Brynn Matthews on 44 points and Ian Baxter  and Tony McLaughlin on 41 points

Nearest the pin on the Workers Club 8th hole was won by Greg Robertson.

The Jackpot on the Goulburn Soldiers Club 14th hole was won by Tony McLaughlin.

The winner of the drive and pitch on the Aarons Trees’12th hole was Ian Baxter.


Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole

A big field of 51 starters enjoyed the better weather in the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole competition. Russell Schmitt scored a win with 29 points. Scott Sherer was close behind on 28, just ahead of Julie Hearne on 27. The ball run down included Tony Clewett, Ed Anning, Malcolm Young, Don Pennay, Maxine McLaughlin, Anthony Rudd, all on 27 and Jenni Price, Russell Sheely, Wayne Pull, Jai Field, Phillip Heath, and Jeff Edwards all on 26.


The Tully Park Ladies 18 hole stroke and 3 division putting competition concluded competition for the ladies this year.

Heather Buchanan won the division 1 gross on 91. Nett Winner was Maxine McLaughlin on 66 followed by Di Schmitt on 68 and Ratma Rankmore on 77. Putting competition was won by Heather with 29 putts.

Georgina Cook won the division 2 gross on 99. Nett winner was Beryl Howe on 73 followed by Jenni Price on 75 and Joy Leary on 79. Putting competition was won by Georgina with 30 putts.

Ruth Beveridge won the division 3 on 107. Nett winner was Lil Ryan on 61 followed by Georgina Cook on 69 and Beryl Gray on 72. Putting competition was won by Beryl with 33 putts.

This week also saw the Ladies presentations. Congratulations to the following winners.

Gold Medal Winner – Lil Ryan 61 Nett

Champions of the Year 2022

A Division Gross – Heather Buchanan,  382 Nett Maxine McLaughlin – 297

B Division Gross – Jenni Price – 458, Nett Beryl Howe – 312

C Division Gross– Ruth Beverage – 496, Nett Lil Ryan – 360

72 Overall Nett Winner was Francis Miners on 294


The Bi-Rite Xmas guessing competition is drawn Gala Day Dec 11 so get your tickets back as soon as possible.          Next week is the Members Gala Day 4 person Ambrose on Dec 11. Shotgun tee off at 8am. Please arrive by 7.15am. Note members only for this comp. Cost $10/player – players who have not played 10 competitions at Tully since last gala day will have to pay $30. Please stay afterwards for the lunch, presentation and raffle draws.

Many Thanks to Luke and the volunteers for getting the river holes ready for play with access to work on them for only a short space of time. Well Done!

Tully Park Golf 27/11/2022

Sunday Competition 

A field of 31 players contested this months’ monthly medal and gold medal play off.

The winner of the Gold Medal Playoff for 2022 is Tony McLaughlin.

November’s monthly medal was won by Glenn Baxter with nett 60.

A Grade Winner was Tom Heath on 63, B Grade Winner was Tony McLaughlin on 61 and C grade Winner was Glenn Baxter on 60.

Nearest the pin on the Alan Bill Electrical hole was won by John Smith

The Jackpot on the Workers Club hole was won by Glenn Baxter

The winner of the drive and pitch on the Carpet Court hole was Max Sakiasi.

The ball rundown went Russ Schmitt 62, Tony Clewett and Tom Heath 63, Eddie Hawkins and Mick Gray 64, Chris Elliott 65, Darrel Spence and Don Grimston 66.


Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole

Liam Harmer scored a win with 28 points in last weeks Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole competition. Greg Maskill was close behind on 27, just ahead of Maxine McLaughlin on 26. On 25 were Brian Larkin, Scott Sherer, and Russell Lieschke, who also managed to take home the eagles nest for his 3 on the Biocleanse par five 10th hole. On 22 were Brett Buckley, Lindsay Sergeant, Alan McDonald, Mick Gordon and Malcolm Young while dean Hearne took the final ball in the rundown for his 21 after a 5 card countback.


Heather Buchanan won the division 1 with nett 70 last Monday , Lil Ryan took division 2 with 68. Ball rundown went to Georgina Cook 73, Jenni price 72 and Ruth Beveridge 73. Maxine Mclaughlin and Ruth Beveridge won the two division putting prizes with 27 and 34 putts respectively.

Notices:  Sunday Dec 4 ball best ball Captain V President

The Bi-Rite Xmas guessing competition is drawn Gala Day Dec 11 so get your tickets back as soon as possible.

Members, get your teams ready for the Gala Day 4 person Ambrose on Dec 11. Shotgun tee off at 8am. Note members only for this comp. Cost $10/player – players who have not played 10 competitions at Tully since last gala day will have to pay $30.

Many Thanks to Luke and the volunteers for getting the river holes ready for play with access to work on them for only a short space of time. Well Done!

tully park golf 20/11/2022

Sunday Competition

Tom Minney, Wayne Minney Nicole Minney and Sophie Devries joined forces to win the Mexican Team event on Sunday with 99 points. Tom James, Roly Wong, Ryan Saville and Matt James finished second on 96. The rundown went to the teams of Russ Lieschke, Eddie Hawkins, Gary Spence and John Blair  95, and Mitch Harding, James Will, Trent Cooper and Andrew Balabka on 94.

Nearest the pins for the day went to Max Sakiasi on the Jewell Builder hole and Tony McLaughlin on the Priceline Pharmacy hole. The jackpot went to Ian Baxter on the Goulburn Soldiers Club hole.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole

Jai Field backed up last weeks win with a 28 point round this week. Mark Watson finished on 25 Greg Maskill , Tony McLaughlin, and Mark Berrisford all on 24, Eddie Hawkins and Tony Clewett each had 23 and Stephen Rigby took the last ball on 22 after a 5 card countback.

Notices:  Sunday Nov 27 Stroke Monthly Medal (Gold Medal Playoff). Qualifiers for the Gold Medal Payoff 2022 on are – A Balabka, I Baxter, T Clewett, T Cooper, C Elliott, M Gray, G Handley, E Hawkins, R Lieschke, T McLaughlin, W Minney, T Minney, R Nunn, I Peterson, M Regterschot, B Reid, C Ryan, R Saville, R Schmitt, J Smith, G Spence, D Spence and R Wong.

The Bi-Rite Xmas guessing competition is on again with over $700 in prizes. Members are asked to pick up tickets to sell at the clubhouse – drawn Gala Day Dec 11.

Members, get your teams ready for the Gala Day 4 person Ambrose on Dec 11. Shotgun tee off at 8am. Note members only for this comp. Cost $10/player – players who have not played 10 competitions at Tully since last gala day will have to pay $30.

Tully Park Golf 13/11/2022

Sunday Competition

Anthony Rudd and Brett Buckley combined to win the Brian Mills 2 person ambrose event on Sunday for the mens teams with nett 61.25 while Wade Pomery and Anthony Miller took out the social event on nett 60.75. Second placegetters  were the teams of Roly Wong and Tony McLaughlin 62.5 and Tom James and Shane Wilson 61.25. In third were the teams of Josh Cooper and Anthony Cooper 62.25 and Kurt Goldman and Richie Cronin 64.25.

Included in the rundown were Ryan Wilson/ Ryan Saville 65.5, Max Sakiasi/ Aaron Croker 64.75, Stephen Mills/ Micah Hobbs 65, and Mitch Cook /Matt James 65.25. The rundown went to 67.

Nearest the pins for the day went to Kurt Goldman, Shane Wilson, Gary Spence and Brett Buckley on the Jewell Builder, Mitre 10, Goulburn Soldiers Club and Argyle Cleaning holes.

Funds were raise for the Wollondilly and Sts Peter and Paul local schools with $1030 going to each. Thank you to Luke and the Tully volunteers for their efforts on the course and on the day.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole

Jai Field took top honours for the 12 hole Goulburn Soldiers Club competition last week with 26 points. Ian Baxter and Wayne Minney both had a good run at it with their 25’s. Chris Ryan, Phil Heath and Kim Fahey each had 24 in a rundown that went to 22.


Jenni Price took division 2 last week for the Tully Ladies with 40 points, Heather Buchanan won div 1 with 33. Lil Ryan 31, Maxine McLaughlin 29 and Beryl Gray 29 made up the rundown. Mystery Holes was shared between Georgina Cook and Jenni Price after both finished on 7 points for the Goulburn Soldiers Club, D.One Accounting and Goulburn Solar holes

Slater Drafting Par 3

The final round of the Slater Drafting Par 3 for the year was won by Sophie DeVries with nett 22. Graham Mansfield had 23 followed by Wayne Minney on 24, Nicole Minney and Elsey Slater each had 26.

Notices:  Sunday Nov 20 Mexican team event. Qualifiers for the Gold Medal Payoff 2022 on Nov 27 are – A Balabka, I Baxter, T Clewett, T Cooper, C Elliott, M Gray, G Handley, E Hawkins, R Lieschke, T McLaughlin, W Minney, T Minney, R Nunn, I Peterson, M Regterschot, B Reid, C Ryan, R Saville, R Schmitt, J Smith, G Spence, D Spence and R Wong.

The Bi-Rite Xmas guessing competition is on again with over $700 in prizes. Members are asked to pick up tickets to sell at the clubhouse – drawn Gala Day Dec 11.

Members, get your teams ready for the Gala Day 4 person Ambrose on Dec 11. Shotgun tee off at 8am. Note members only for this comp. Cost $10/player – players who have not played 10 competitions at Tully since last gala day will have to pay $30.

Tully Park Golf 06/11/2022

Sunday Competition

Brynn Matthews backed up his recent championship form with 39 points in the Sunday’s stableford event. Mitch Cook came second with 38 and took the mystery holes for November on the Goulburn Solar, Free One Building Design and Scott Reid Plumbing holes. Mick Regterschot had 37, Russ Schmitt and Wayne Minney each had 34  and Tony Clewett, Russ Lieschke and Mark Berrisford made up the rundown.  Wayne Minney was nearest the pin on the Mitre 10 holes and Mitch Cook won the drive and pitch on Aaron’s trees.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole

Julie Hearne prevailed in another wet week with 31 points for the Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole competition. Marty Smith was the next best with 22 points.


The President’s team was victorious over the Captain’s 129 to 120 for the annual play-off with Heather Buchanan leading the way on 37 points in division 1. Beryl Howe was the best in division 2 on 32. Georgina Cook had 35 points for the day while Maxine McLaughlin had 32.

Slater Drafting Par 3

November 12 is the final round of the Slater Drafting Par 3 for 2022. Tee off is from 7.30 to 11 am and cost is only $7/ player. All regular and novice golfers are welcome.

Notices:  Sunday Nov 13 Brian Mills Charity 2 Person Ambrose. Be at Tully by 7.30am for tee off at 8am. Lunch included in $20/ player. We are raising funds for Wollondilly Public School and Sts Peter and Paul’s Primary School. Teams can play on Saturday.

The Bi-Rite Xmas guessing competition is on again with over $700 in prizes. Members are asked to pick up tickets to sell at the clubhouse – drawn Gala Day Dec 11.

tully park golf 30/10/2022

Sunday Competition

Trent Cooper has taken out the A Grade title for the Tully Park Championships with final rounds of 68,68 for a total of 287. B Grade went to Josh Cooper on 346 after his final rounds of 79 and 85 while C grade went to Tom Minney after his finish of 87 and 97. Nett prizes went to John Smith A Grade (287), Ken Wray B Grade (279) and Brynn Matthews C Grade (277). Division 1and 2 winners for Saturday were Josh Cooper (67) and Ken Wray (68) and Sunday were  Tony McLaughlin (67) and Wayne Minney (61). The October Monthly Medal went to Wayne Minney for his 61 and taking the C Grade win for the day while Trent Cooper 68 took A and Gary Handley 69 won C grade. The rundown for Saturday went to 71 and Sunday went to 71 on a 2 card countback. Nearest the pin was won by Russ Schmitt on Jewell Builders hole and drive and pitch winner was Mac Fife on Aaron’s Trees. The jackpot was not won on Mitre 10 hole.

Goulburn Soldiers Club 12 hole

Alan Bill stepped into the limelight with a win for the 12 hole Goulburn Soldiers Comp at Tully last week with 28 points. Kim Fahey came in with 26 and Lindsay Sergeant had 24. The rundown also included Russ Schmitt, Roly Wong, Tony McLaughlin and Kevin Breen all on 23, Brett Buckley and Chris Spillane on 22, Wayne Pull and Chris Ryan on 21 and Jeff Edwards after a five card countback on 20.


Heather Buchanan backed up from last week with a nett 75 for a division 1 win. Jenni Price came in best for division 2 on 80. Georgina Cook 77 and Maxine Mc Laughlin 79 were in  the rundown. Putting winners were Maxine on 28 and Jenni on 32.

Notices:  Sunday Nov 6 Stableford. Brian Mills Charity 2 Person Ambrose is on Nov 13. Be at Tully by 7.30am for tee off at 8am. Lunch included in $20/ player. We are raising funds for Wollondilly Public School and Sts Peter and Paul’s Primary School. The Bi-Rite Xmas guessing competition is on again with over $700 in prizes. Members are asked to pick up tickets to sell at the clubhouse – drawn Gala Day Dec 11. Big thanks to Luke and the volunteers for their efforts on the course after the recent flooding getting things prepared for the championships. Also thanks to Joe for his time at the clubhouse during the championships and our other clubhouse volunteers. All your efforts are greatly appreciated.