Author Archives: EarlyBirds

Tully Park Golf Results 3rd February 2025

The Goulburn Soldiers Club Midweek comp was won by  Hayden Ward 26 pts , Sam Cosgrove finished 2nd with 25 pts , Phil Heath , Simon Jiang & Kim Fahey all had 24 pts , Jenni Price & Wayne Blay both had 23 pts , then Howard Spark , Ian Baxter , Mick Gordon , Jeff Edwards , Scott Sherer & Phil Heath all had 22 pts.

Sunday was a novelty event , a 1,2,3 Best Ball , the team of Chris Elliott , Gary Spence , Brynn Matthews & Eddie Hawkins were winners with 89 pts , Alan McDonald , Russell  Schmitt , Alan Bill & Lindsay Sergeant came in 2nd with 87 pts , Wade Pomery , Tony McLaughlin , Tom James & Ian Baxter were next best with 82 pts . Russell Schmitt won the raffle , Chris Ryan took the jackpot hole and the 7th NTP , Brynn Matthews jagged the 14th NTP , Tony McLaughlin claimed the 13th D&P and John Smith somehow walked away with the 16th D&P.

Next week is a stableford and mystery holes .

Tully Park Golf Results 28/01/2025

The Goulburn Soldiers Club midweek comp was won by Dean Horne with 29 pts , Maxine McLaughlin finished 2nd with 27 pts , Phil Heath 26 pts , Wayne Blay , Simon Jiang & Tony McLaughlin all with 24 pts , Lil Ryan & Kim Fahey both with 23 pts , John Smith 22 pts and Doug Stevens had 21 pts .

Sunday comp was a 2 person ambrose which Mick Gray & Craig Langby won with 56 3/4 nett , Matt Bird & Mick Evans had 58 nett ,  Mick Wilson & Kerry Bensley had 60 1/4 nett , Alan Bill & Russell Schmitt had 62 nett , John Smith & Ray Turner had 62 1/2 nett , Maca & Ian Baxter had 63 nett . Chris Elliott snatched the jackpot hole , Mick Wilson won the 7th NTP , Eddie Sivell took the 14th NTP , Toby Johns got the D&P 13th & Brett Buckley somehow fluked the 16th D&P.

We desperately need someone to take on watering the greens as Trent has resigned due to work commitments .

Tully Park Golf Results 20th January 2025

The Goulburn Soldiers Club Midweek Competition was won by Maxine McLaughlin with 26 pts , Greg Maskill & Trent Cooper came in next with 25 pts each , Maxine McLaughlin , Trent Cooper & Geoff Selmes all had 23 pts , Jon Gegg had a sneaky 22 pts , then Jenni Price , Alan McDonald , Doug Stevens , Tony McLaughlin , Brian Larkin & Tony Clewett all had 21 pts .

Sundays comp was the Monthly Medal which saw Chris Ryan blitz the course with a best ever 70 off the stick 59 nett to win the day comfortably , Chris won the A Grade medal , Tony McLaughlin won B Grade with 66 nett and Doug Stevens won C Grade with 68 nett , Wade Pomery came in second overall with 62 nett , Brett Buckley had 63 nett , Tony McLaughlin 66 nett , John Smith 67 nett , Doug Stevens 68 nett , Eddie Sivell , Alan Bill & Luke Wray all had 70 nett . Mitch Cook took the Jackpot Hole , John Smith claimed the 7th NTP , Chris Ryan jagged the 14th NTP , Ray Turner won the 13th D&P and Paul Staples won the 16th D&P .

Next Sunday is a 2 person ambrose

Tully Park Golf Results 13/01/2025

Goulburn Soldiers Club Midweek Competition was won this week by Jenni Price with 31 pts , next best were Don Pennay & Jarred Hussey both with 27 pts , Malcolm Young had 25 pts , then Alan McDonald , Tony Grimston , Maxine McLaughlin , Tony McLaughlin . Angela Deacon & Greg Maskill all finished with 24 pts , Stephen Rigby had 23 pts on a 7 card C/B

Sunday comp was a 4BBB with winners being Doug Stevens & Dean Horne on a massive 48 pts , they were followed by Kerry Bensley & Mick Wilson beating Matt Bird & Mick Evans on C/B with 45 pts , Tony Mclaughlin & Roly Wong managed 44 pts , Justin Cross & James Will came home with 42 pts and Tom Woodberry & Max Dean had 41 pts on a 4 card C/B . Mick Gray grabbed the jackpot hole , Mick Wilson claimed the NTP 7th , Max Dean snatched the NTP 14th , Craig Langby somehow won the 13th D&P , Brett Buckley took the 16th D&P .

Next week is the Monthly Medal off the blue markers

Tully Park Golf Results 6/01/2025

Goulburn Soldiers Club Midweek was won by Stephen Rigby on C/B from Garry Handley with 26 pts , Mitch Cook came in with 23 pts , Stephen Apps & Glenn Baxter finished with 22 pts .

Sunday comp was a Stableford & Mystery Holes which Tom Woodberry won with 41 pts , Dean Horne had 40 pts to finish 2nd , Roly Wong & Sam Cosgrove had 39 pts each , Matt Bird finished with 38 pts , Tony Clewett 37 pts , Chris Ryan managed 36 pts , Russell Schmitt & Andrew Balabka both had 35 pts , Baxter boys Ian & Glenn both had 34 pts James will came in with 33 on a 5 card C/B from Gary Spence , Tom James , Trent Cooper & Alan Bill . Sam Cosgrove won the jackpot hole & the 7th NTP , Gary Spence won the 14th NTP , Tom Heath took the 13th D&P and Max Sakiasi claimed the 16th D&P . Dean Horne won the mystery holes ( 1 , 6 & 11 ) with 9 pts .  Next week is a 4BBB .

Tully Park Golf Results 30th December 2024

The Goulburn Soldiers Club Midweek Comp was won by Lil Ryan with 30 pts , Conway Bogg followed with 29 pts , Glenn Baxter and Kim Fahey both shot 26 pts , Sam Cosgrove and Phil Heath both managed 25 pts  Kerry Bensley had 24 pts and Sam Cosgrove shot 23 pts .

The Sunday comp was the monthly medal and Gary Spence got up with 65 nett taking the medal away from Matt Bird & John Smith both with 66 nett , Bill Reid & Doug Stevens both had 68 nett  , Ian Peterson , Ian Baxter , Alan McDonald  all shot 69 nett , Simon Jiang managed 71 nett , Tom Heath , Mick Gray , Kerry Bensley , Wade Pomery & Dean Horne all had 72 nett . Kerry Bensley won the jackpot hole . the other results like NTP’s & D&P ‘s I didn’t get.

Tully Park Golf Results 23/12/2024

Goulburn Soldiers Club Midweek comp was won by Malcolm Young with 25 pts along with Kim Fahey and Ian Baxter on a countback , then Lindsay Sergeant , Phil Heath & Don Pennay all with 24 pts, Scott Sherer , Glenn Baxter & John Smith all on 23 pts , Alan McDonald & Eddie Hawkins both with 22 pts .

Sunday comp was a stableford which Russell Schmitt won with 42 pts, Lindsay Sergeant managed 2nd with 41 ts , Brett Buckley , Luke Wray & Glenn Baxter all had 38 pts , Max Sakiasi & Doug Stevens both had 37 pts , Brynn Matthews , & Alan McDonald had 36 pts , Tom James & Sam Woodberry had 35 pts , Trent Cooper shot 34 pts . Tom James won the jackpot hole , Chris Lewis won the NTP 7th , Max Sakiasi won the NTP 14th , Ray Turner jagged the D&P 13th and Trent Cooper took the D&P 16th .

Tully Park Golf Results 16th December 2024

Goulburn Soldiers Club Midweek was won by Lil Ryan with 28 pts , next were Phil Heath & Kim Fahey both with 27 pts , Scott Sherer , Tony Clewett , Greg Maskill & Lindsay Sergeant all with 25 pts , Wayne Blay , Craig Brown ( twice ) , Sam Cosgrove & Hayden Ward all with 24 pts , Brain Larkin & Eddie Hawkins both with 23 pts .

Sunday comp was a stableford which Max Sakiasi won easily with 40 pts , Russell Schmitt followed with 38 pts , Chris Elliott was next with 37 pts , the Andrew Balabka , Simon Jiang , & James Will all had 25 pts , Mitch Cook had 34 ts , both Chris Ryan & Lindsay Sergeant finished with 33 pts . Trent Cooper took the jackpot hole & the 13th D&P , Sam Cosgrove jagged the 7th NTP , Brynn Matthews snared the 14th NTP and Andrew Balabka took the 16th D&P .

Stableford next week

Tully Park Golf Results 8th December 2024

The Goulburn Soldiers Club midweek comp was won by David King with 28 pts , Phil Heath was 2nd & 3rd with 26 pts & 25 pts  , Kevin Breen had 24 pts , Geoff Selmes & Wayne Blay both  had 23 pts , Mick Gordon & Eddie Hawkins both had 22 pts , Scott Sherer , Kim Fahey & Ian Baxter all had 21 pts .

The Annual Tully Park Gala Day was won by Tom James , Roly Wong , Aaron Meylan & Mark Ryan on C/B with 54 3/4 from Ian Baxter , Max Sakiasi , Tony McLaughlin & Wade Pomery , 3rd prize went to Andrew Balabka , Mitch Cook , Mac Fife &  Josh Cooper .

Prizes for the day were longest drives and the winners were 1st fairway Mac Fife , 3rd f/way Wade Pomery , 4th f/way Brett Buckley also the 15th f/way , 10th f/way Tom James , 18th f/way Luke Dixon . NTP 2nd Max Sakiasi , NTP 6th Ian Baxter , NTP 7th Tom James , NTP 8th Roly Wong , NTP 9th Chris Toole , NTP 14th Chris Lewis , Tony McLaughlin won the jackpot hole . D&P 11th Mitch Cook , D&P 12th Ian Ginn , D&P 13th Mac Fife , D&P 16th Chris Ryan and the Left / Right handed novelty prize on the 17th went to Ray Turner. The putter raffle was drawn with 4th prize going to Trent Cooper , 3rd prize to Mick Wilson , 2nd prize to John Gray and the putter to Joe Fehir .

Next Sunday is a Stableford event.

Tully Park Golf Results 2nd December 2024

Goulburn Soldiers Club midweek comp was won by David King with 26 pts on C/B from 4 others being Tony Clewett , John Smith , Eddie Hawkins , & Don Grimston , Andrew Finlaison & Phil Heath both had 25 pts , Hayden Ward 24 pts , Malcolm Young , Chris Lewis , John Blair & Brian Larkin all had 23 pts then Craig Brown & Kim Fahey both had 22 pts on C/B from 6 cards .

The Sunday competition was a 4BBB which Bill Reid & Andrew Balabka won with 43 pts , next were Ken Wray & Luke Wray , Eddie Sivell & Glenn Baxter and Simon Jiang & Kerry Bensley all teams on 41 pts on C/B , Russell Lieschke & Eddie Hawkins had 40 pts . Andrew Balabka claimed the jackpot hole and the 13th D&P  , Kerry Bensley took the 7th NTP  .