Monthly Archives: June 2024

Tully Park Golf Results 24th June 2024

Ladies played a Stableford and Mystery Holes which were the 2nd , 8th & 17 holes , the overall winner was Maxine McLaughlin with 32 pts . Jenni Price won the mystery holes with 6 pts on a C/Back , the ball rundown went Jenni Price with 30 pts and Georgina Cook with 27 pts.

The Goulburn Soldiers Club Midweek Comp was won by Tony McLaughlin with 22 pts , Phil Heath came in second by countback , Mick Gray & Kerry Bensley both had 21 pts , Eddie Hawkins had 20 pts , Russell Lieschke , Alan McDonald & Kim Fahey all had 19 pts .

The Sunday Competition was a Canadian Foursomes which had Mitch Cook & Jesse Cao triumph with 67 nett , Trent Cooper & Mac Fife came in second with 71 3/8 nett , Gary Spence & Chris Elliott next with 71 3/4  nett , Joe Spurek & Ray Turner totalled 72 nett and Ken Wray & Don Grimston  collected 72 7/8 nett . Mac Fife took the Jackpot Hole , Luke Dixon won the NTP 7th , Lindsay Sergeant claimed the NTP 14th , Trent Cooper & Mac Fife won the D&P 13th and finally Joe Spurek & Ray Turner took the D&P 16th . Next week is the Monthly Medal .

Tully Park Golf Results 17th June 2024

Ladies played their 18 Holes Stroke & Putting Event , Ratna Rankmore won Division 1 with 76 nett on countback and Bery Gray won Division 2 with 88 nett on countback . Putting Division 1 was won by Ratna Rankmore with 33 putts and Division 2 was won by Beryl Gray with 30 putts . The ball rundown went to Heather Buchanan with 76 nett , Jenni Price 81 nett and Maxine Mclaughlin 85 nett .

There was no Goulburn Soldiers Club midweek comp due to the course being closed because of the flooding and the weather .

The Sunday Competition was a Four Ball Aggregate which Mac Fife & Trent Cooper won easily with 68 combined pts , Luke Dixon and Chris Lewis were second with 64 pts , then Tony McLaughlin and Simon Jiang with 60 pts & finally Adam Rowe and Ian Baxter with 56 pts . Trent Cooper almost won everything else taking the Jackpot Hole , Inland D&P 9th and the Inland D&P 17th , Tony McLaughlin took the NTP Inland 14th . Wade Pomery defeated Mark Ryan in their round of the Matchplay winning 4 & 3 .

Tully Park Golf Results 10th June 2024

Due to the inclement weather in the last week and flooding of the course only the Goulburn Soldiers Club Midweek  was played with only 24 participants managing to play , the winner was Phil Heath with 23 pts , Alan McDonald finished 2nd along with Wayne Blay and Ian Baxter on a 3 card C/Back with 21 pts , Tony Mclaughlin managed 20 pts , Craig Brown had 19 pts , Mick Gordon and Dean Horne both had 18 pts . The course remains closed until after Tuesday 11th June 2024 when a reassessment will be made .

Tully Park Golf Results 3rd June 2024

Ladies golf results for Monday 3rd  June 2024 , ladies played an 18 hole Stroke & Putting Event which had the winner as Jenni Price with 82 nett for division 1 and the division 2 winner with 85 nett was Lil Ryan , the putting award in division 1 went to Ratna Rankmore with 32 putts on C/B and division 2 winner with 35 putts on C/B was Ruth Beveridge . The ball rundown went to Heather Buchanan with 84 nett , Ratna Rankmore with 85 nett and Maxine McLaughlin with 86 nett .

The Goulburn Soldiers Club Midweek Comp was won by Kevin Breen with 25 pts , Russell Lieschke came second with 24 pts , Phil Heath , Wayne Blay and Don Grimston all had 23 pts ,m Alan McDonald , Mark Berrisford , Kim Fahey , John R Smith , Pat Bruckshaw and Lindsay Sergeant finished the ball run down with 22 pts each.

Sunday was a social 2 person ambrose day with ideal winter conditions , Ian Baxter and Wade Pomery won the day with 61 3/4 nett , second were Trent Cooper and Grant Mooney with 61/4 nett , Andrew Balabka and Justin Cross came third on a C/B , Roly Wong and Ray Turner were  fourth with 62 3/4 nett , Adam Rowe and Luke Dixon finished in fifth in the rundown with 64 nett . Wade Pomery won the jackpot hole , no-one won the NTP 7th , Sam McDonald won the NTP 14th , Justin Cross took the D&P 13th and Trent Cooper took the D&P 16th . Sam McDonald and Greg Reid took out the social team prize with 67 nett .